

水:结构上的水不会导致结构生锈,但可能仍有木材退化(Lewry,& Crewdson,1994年)。用于保护的油漆也可能随着时间的推移而降低,除非使用保护维护,否则它们将无法有效地为隔热工作。
环境条件:屋顶和天花板的主要用途是保温。绝缘将有效地对抗太阳的热量,也将确保对流热停止。通常屋顶结构是用一种不易燃的薄膜叠加在一起的。这称为衬垫材料。sarking将确保反射隔热有效地进行(al – hammad et al,1997)。然而,这种绝缘形式需要不时地进行调整,当不给这种结构持续的维护时,它在环境压力下逐渐失败的几率会增加。


Stress on the structure from loads: There is obvious stress on the structure of the loads. Primarily the structural elements are affected by loads in the form of banners that are hung under the walkway shade. These banners are seen to be contributing to overall stress. The wind force and rain are some of the other contributing factors.
Water: Water on the structure will not lead to the rusting of the structure, but there might still be wood degradation (Lewry, & Crewdson, 1994). The paint used for protection could also degrade with time, and unless protective maintenance is used, they would not work for insulation as effectively as they should.
Environmental Conditions: The roof and ceiling work for the main purpose of insulation. Insulation will effectively work against the heat of the sun and will also ensure that convection heat is stopped. Usually the roof structure is superimposed with a non-flammable thin membrane. This is termed sarking. The sarking will ensure that the reflective insulation is carried on effectively (Al-Hammad et al, 1997). However this form of insulation will need to be retro fitted from time to time, when constant maintenance is not given to this structure the chances of it failing gradually under environmental stress increases.
Chemical Processes: Ecology of the building materials that are used for construction will play a major role in the durability and the survival of the building (Berge, 2009). Certain cleaning agents that might be used to clean the roof extension could contribute to the disintegration directly, especially if the food used is a mix of sap and hardwood. Some of the cleaning agents might indirectly lead to the deterioration of the building because of its working to soften the paint that is present on the surface which will protect the building. In the more direct interaction (Moncmanova, 2007), the effects of deterioration will be faster, and in the other case the effects of deterioration will be more prolonged and in the long run could do the same level and if not more of damage.
