



Transferring one of the specie from specie is becoming popular all over the world but this transformation is causing many ethical issues. Bacteria are the major element and they help in estimating the possession of the human body that is developed by 100,000 genes. Transferring of one gene from another is not exactly the transference of one gene and does not helps in the creation of the hybrid in traditional concept. DNA is the main element of gene and DNA is not a living thing inside it, it is just a molecule. This concept is presented by the scientist in favor of genetic engineering and the benefits of this technology. If the idea of adding something with other is bad and causes ethical issues what happens when the scientists add things up just to make an antibiotic that helps in saving a life. Human body would have never cured if these antibiotics for pain and other synthetic processes were not present. Natural process of everything is good but humans have evolved with the passage of time and discovered drugs that can cure them. In genetic engineering one gene is added with another gene or a cell for the creation of a new organism. This technology will help the humans in finding a cure for the future generations also. This is the wisdom of humans, because they have created such technologies that will not only help our present but future also. Genetic engineering gives the power to humans that were not possessed by them before. Countries that have access to this technology have strong economic pressures and power throughout the world. Another benefit of this technology has shown positive results in the developing countries. Nutritional items are the most important aspect in these developing countries and this technology has helped the farmers to produce more than before. In developing countries people have only access to one of the cash crops that makes them energetic.

