

根据AMC顾问公司网站的人力资源管理,是以有效和高效的方式管理组织的工作人力。最初要管理一个劳动力是劳动者满意度,这是AMC顾问在概述人力资源开发战略时的使命和愿景的核心(Karami et al 2008)。在AMC咨询公司,工作人员的满意是公司的核心,因此对公司的人力资源开发是非常重要的。
据安德森说,有人建议人力资源管理研究人员在承认小公司可以帮助提供详细的实证和科学调查之后,大部分忽略了中小型企业,因为市场营销的数量和背景越来越多。同样可以认为,中小企业经常忽视主要的人力资源价值观作为在竞争环境中获得和保持优势的主要资产。 AMC顾问也有类似的观点,直到2010年,他们从公司报告中可以看出,他们没有实施任何人力资源开发战略。在高度受到市场压力的影响之后,该组织认识到可以通过增强灵活性和高度创新的能力享受这一优势。


Human resource management in accordance to company website of AMC consultants is all about work force of organization being managed in a way that it is productive and highly efficient. To manage a work force initially all that is required is the work force satisfaction and this lies at the core of AMC consultant’s mission and vision when outlining their Human resource development strategy (Karami et al 2008). At AMC consultants the satisfaction of work force lies at the heart of the company and therefore human resource development to the company is extremely important.
According to Anderson, it has been suggested that HRM researchers have ignored largely the small to medium enterprises even after acknowledging that small companies can help in providing elaborative empirical and scientific investigation because of the enhanced numbers and contexts of marketing. It can be similarly argued that small to medium enterprises have ignored often the main human resources values as the main assets to secure and maintain advantage in the competitive environment. A similar perspective has been evident at AMC consultants as well who did not implement any human resource development strategy until 2010 as evident from their company reports. After being highly exposed to the pressures in the market, the organization recognized the advantage that it can enjoy from enhanced flexibility and capability to become highly innovative.
This helped the company register the growth of their human resource employees at the centre of the company’s growth (Karami et al 2008). The central perspective is that human resource development should involve training the employees in traditional ways, developing the organization and developing career of the employees. From this perspective, AMC consultant’s human resource development nature lies in obtaining competence of its work force, development of skills and quality along with motivating the organization employees towards organizational commitment, henceforth leading to team development.
