

在一个国家像美国平均每第五个学生属于低SES背景(Tucker Drob,2012)。因此,国家可以发展为一个整体,只有低SES组和学业成就之间的差异是撕碎了。除此之外,国家的政策制定者必须寻找新的方法使低SES组的学生应该具有很高的学术成就(赫伯斯et al,2012)。在地方政府、州和联邦的水平需要了解低SES学生的重要性和应平均年龄组学生(范埃维克,R.,&史利格斯,2010)。贫困一直是学生学业成绩低下的一个主要原因。学校和政府应降低低社会经济群体的教育经费。
文献回顾真实地描绘了社会经济地位对学术成就有着广泛的影响。研究的结果,使的学生属于低社会经济群体的新方式的教育家是有用的(沃尔顿,G. M.,&科恩,2011)。除了社会经济地位与学业成绩之间的关系,本文在提出实施新的方法使低SES组学生之间的差距可以提高他们的学业成绩的学校和教育者的方法。这项研究的结果可以作为弹簧板的研究,解决了一些问题。


On an average in a nation like USA, every 5th students belongs to the low SES background (Tucker-Drob, 2012). Thus, the country can develop as a whole, only if the differences between low SES groups and academic achievement are shred off. In addition to this, the policy makers of the nation must find out new ways so that the students of low SES group should have high academic achievements (Herbers et al, 2012). The government at the local, state and the federal levels needs to understand the importance of the low SES students and should aim at leveling the students of both the age groups (Van Ewijk, R., & Sleegers, 2010). Poverty has been a major reason for the low academic achievement for the students. The schools and the government should reduce the expenditure on education for the low socio economic groups.
The literature review truly depicts that the socio economic status has a wide impact over the academic achievements. The findings of the research is useful for the educationists to empower new ways for the students who belong to the low socio economic groups (Walton, G. M., & Cohen, 2011). In addition to the relation between the socio economic status and the academic achievements, this report along suggests the methods for the schools and the educationists to implement new methods so that the gap between the students of the low SES groups can increase their academic achievements. The results of the study can act as the spring board for the researches which addresses a number of questions.
