



It was unethical decision of the company to provide expired meat to their clients. They forced workers to change the production dates and to use rotten meat with fresh meat. Workers were also forced to work overtime. This shows that it was not individual work but it was the organization’s decision. (Shanghai Daily, 2014)

In Chicago suburbs OSI Group had to continuously apologize to McDonalds on the incidence of the rotten meat and called it an isolated event. It caused embarrassment to OSI Group all over the world. Clients wanted explanations for this unethical incident and many wanted to withdraw from their contracts.

Ethical behaviour in organizations is dependent on ethical leadership. These leaders always direct decision making and actions based on social norms and obligations towards society. They are concerned about their followers and the people influenced by their actions. This leadership was absent in Shanghai Husi.

Organizational Culture:

Through this incident it is obvious that the organizational culture did not support the view that organization should look after its customers. Clients will be satisfied and become loyal customers of any organization when they are given good services. However, the culture of Shanghai Husi forced its workers to mix fresh and expired meat. Also, the company did not value laws, and rules were not followed. The culture was not in favour of providing the best quality products. Instead the culture was about making profits even at the extent of other people’s lives. It did not support the differentiation of unethical and ethical behaviour. Profit was the main priority for all the employees as indicated by the leaders. The leaders were involved in wrong actions and did not value loyalty to the customers. It did not work in alignment with OSI Group as world leader in high quality products of meat.
