



Marijuana has long-term adverse effects on the human body. It reduces the resistance power of the body even for common illnesses such as cold and bronchitis etc. Marijuana suppresses the immune system that further leads to growth disorders (Pacula, 2010). Due to the adverse effects of marijuana leads to increase in abnormally structured cells in the body. Male sex hormones are reduced in human body due to marijuana. Marijuana can make the injuries caused due to its permanent by making rapid destruction of lung fibers (Cerdá, 2012). Due to adverse effects of marijuana the ability to learn and retain information is reduced in human beings and even the sexual capacity of individuals is reduced. Marijuana makes a person feel drowsy with lack of motivation for doing anything. Individuals sue to excessive dosage of marijuana face problems of personality and mood changes, apathy and inability in clear understanding of things.
According to the National Institute of Health intake of marijuana in different forms based on quantity, quality and method with which it is consumed creates high feelings of euphoria as the brain cells release chemical dopamine when marijuana is consumed by individuals. In case of inhaling of marijuana there is immediate rise in the feeling of euphoria (Joffe, 2004). In case of intake of marijuana through ingestion in food the dopamine is released after a long time as the signals are provided to brain after a long time.
