

电影罗宁是由约翰·弗兰肯海默在1998年制作的惊悚片类型的电影。罗伯特·德·尼罗(Robert de Niro)扮演的主角,是电影开头介绍的前CIA特工。他与其他特工Vincent,Gregor和Larry合作。主要情节是由IRA操作员Deirdre和IRA经理Seamus介绍给他们的任务。最初的队伍失去了一名队员,几乎没有逃脱生命。然后,这个故事继续完成,一个扭曲的山姆,由德尼罗饰演扮演中央情报局特工,执行逮捕西莫斯。


The movie Ronin is a thriller genre movie made in 1998 by John Frankenheimer. Robert de Niro plays the protagonist, an ex CIA agent as introduced in the beginning of the movie. He works with other agents Vincent, Gregor and Larry. The main plot is a mission they are introduced to by an IRA operative Deirdre and IRA handler Seamus. The operation goes wrong with the initial team losing one of their members and barely escaping with their lives. The story then moves on to finish with a twist revealing Sam, played by De Niro being portrayed as a CIA agent on a mission to apprehend Seamus.
Characteristics of the Classic Genre of Western Films and the jidaigeki are observed in the movie. Although there are a team of people set for the operation, it is Sam who is made the alpha dog. This is similar to the western classics, where one person, such as the Sheriff or a Marshall might be portrayed different from everybody else. The settings are usually saloons or sometimes lonely places where suspense is built up leading the audience to wonder what is going to happen next. This is also seen in the movie Ronin. In the opening scenes, De Niro is shown in a small café hiding, and the audience anticipate there is going to be some action seeing him check the locks and by interpreting his body language. The café is however a meeting place for mercenaries. De Niro is a strong masculine character; he is involved in a conflict of man versus man which is an archetypal conflict (Jordan). Some of the Samurai themes and motifs seen here are that of the absolute devotion that the people show towards their mission. Larry is killed, Vincent is shot and yet Vincent and Sam are in pursuit of what they started. Sam in saving Vincent’s life also shows strong expression of friendship.
