


90年代的政府没有重视城市内部空间的公共生活的维护和发展(Inotai, 2000)。但政府在2002年进行了重组,由一些具有进步和潜在先进政策的人组成。行政人员开始重视内城的健康,而不是把所有的注意力投入到建设购物中心和贬低人们的积极利益(Humphrey, 2002)。政府倾向于拒绝任何建设可能影响公众生活的大型项目的提议。它已经成为改善城市规划和城市生活的一种影响力量。现在,波兰已经成为欧盟成员国。该国有可能利用国际援助来重建和重新设计城市规划系统。行政当局希望,欧洲联盟的其他成员将对讨论规划制度中的问题和可能的解决办法作出贡献。普通民众也意识到了后果(Allen, 1996)。因此,人们积极参加公开辩论,以提高他们反对腐败和财政恶化的声音。



Economic changes can be noted as most potential influencing factor. They are even more strengthened when fuelled by political changes. These changes can be progressive or deteriorating. It depends on the situation and implemented policies. Whatever the consequences are, these policies are bound to change the shape of financial and administrative face and shape of the country. Almost every country has seen and experienced such radical changes. Poland is not an exception from these countries. It witnessed radical and shape changing evolution in the sectors of economy and political activities. During many periods, this evolution worked in both positive and negative ways. But the evaluation cannot be determined to a certain point.
The administration during 1990s did not give importance to the maintenance and development of public life regarding inner spaces of the city (Inotai, 2000). But the administration was reorganized and reconstructed in 2002 with people who had progressive and potentially advanced policies. Administrative members started to give importance to the health of the inner city instead of investing all the attention to build shopping malls and demeaning the positive interest of people (Humphrey, 2002). The administration tends to reject any proposal for the construction of any huge project that may affect the public life. It has emerged as an influencing force for the improvement of urban planning and urban life. Now, Poland has joined as a member of the European Union. There is a possibility that the country will use international help to reconstruct and redesign the urban planning system. The administration hopes that other members of the Union will contribute to the discussion and possible solutions for the problems in the planning system. The common people also have become aware of the consequences (Allen, 1996). As a result, people are actively taking parts in public debates to raise their voice against corruption, and financial deterioration.
In 1990s, Warsaw saw the emergence of big shopping malls and the deterioration of public life. The administration also supported those policies. Negative aspects were neglected and positive aspects were overruled. Development was done as the cost of the inconvenience and intolerable conditions for the common people. But now, there is hope that the administration will think for the common people. Importance to development would be given, but not at the cost of public life. People have also become aware and are contributing to these issues. This collaboration will surely transform the situation to a brighter future.
