





The employers should let the employees know that they are performing well and doing a good job. When their efforts are recognized, they feel extremely motivated and are likely to perform even better in the next project. When the employees appreciate them, it creates a sense of accomplishment which in turn motivates them to keep achieving and receive recognition. It can be critically stated that there is no need to recognize every act of the employees because it will make them over conscious about their activities leading to increased fallacy at the workplace . These incentives can be in various forms like bonuses, paid off and perks of traveling etc. rewards and recognition have been implemented by several organizations.


It is the responsibility of the employers to invoke the workforce about the different future career opportunities. Apart from this according to LEAD survey, 79 per cent of the employees forecasted that the training and development opportunities are highly essential for them to flourish their career in the future and in this regard, the employer needs to offer proper training programmes to the employees so that they are able to grow their possibilities in the future . Along with this, it is the responsibility of the employers to implement proper training programmes to the employees so that they are able to better understand the current situation of the organization. The training programmes would prove to be effective for the employees in the long term. The expectancy theory is relevant in the context of career advancement of the employees . Through this theory, employers must be able to recognize the effort and performance of the employees and thereby motivate them through rewards and job promotions.

