
by | 25-Jul-2019 | 美国代写

本篇幫寫論文-視覺藝術講了視覺藝術是最強大的信息來源之一。通過繪畫,創作者或藝術家試圖傳達他的思想或傳達一個信息。他們通過繪畫來表達自己的情感。抽象畫是表達情感的一個很好的例子。視覺文化是指通過視覺藝術表現出來的文化。視覺文化是多學科的,其知識來源於心理學、酷兒研究和電影研究等。本篇幫寫論文文章由美國第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Visual arts are one of the most powerful sources of information. Through paintings, the creator or the artist tries to communicate his thought or try to send a message. They express their emotions and feeling through painting. Abstract paintings are an excellent example of expression of feelings. Visual culture can be referred to as culture presented through visual arts. Visual cultures are multidisciplinary and derive knowledge from psychology, queer studies and film studies etc. A book by Whitney Davis titled A General Theory of Visual Culture describes general theory of visual culture. In the book, he describes relation between visual about culture and cultural about vision.

Understanding and interpreting the painting or image in historical context is important. It helps to comprehend what exactly the creator or the artist is trying to say. The image above was clicked during the time when the world countries were preparing itself for war. During the critical situation like war, a friendly game of basketball helps in temporarily forgetting the consequences of war. Group of teenager seems to enjoy the game.

This image was clicked by Andrew Herman in the year 1940. This image is titled as Basketball. In the picture, there is a group of teenagers who are playing basketball. The teenagers look like high school boys. Basketball is a rigorous sport. It began in the year 1891 by Dr. James Naismith. The first game of basketball was played in Massachusetts. Therefore, the game of basketball originated in the US by a Canadian. There were two teams comprising of 9 players and there were 13 basic rules which were to be followed.

