





The church was growing formally throughout the business until the end of 16th centuries. The church was successful in elaborating the canon law along with the concept of dogmatic theologies. This enabled the creation of Fourth Lateran Council for the year 1215. There was an establishment of this council perceiving the significant of sacraments along with the role played by priests for the administration of sacraments. The common population appeared to reflect an immediate, spiritual and personal religious view with specific direct contact. However, intellectual establishment between the period of 12th century and 17th centuries ended up shattering the matrix from medieval period. As science helps in revealing majority of workings and extent of physical universe, the tradition of Judeo-Christianity ended up providing less compatibility.


God appears as a delty personal anthropomorphism with the New and Old Testament. Theology was seated with respect to scientific queen, and the key philosophical interest was in salvation the global context. There was conceiving of nature under God, while ordering and creating it with an accountability of holy scriptures. The physical attributes of a man are not considered seriously other than being in relation with salvation and soul. There was evaluation of moral issues with respect to sinful and righteous conduct, with former obedience for the will of god and latter being violated. There was further projection of world. As per Locke, philosophy is to gain knowledge related to things that include physics, ethics, logic, and semiotics. All of these consider the issue of knowledge while studying the key ideas originated with true innate knowledge with respect to principles. There can be no reason for questioning the factor of validity with key issue related to innate ideas. This includes the examination of various classes of humanity along with reflection like willingness, knowing, reasoning, believing, doubting, thinking and perception.
