

爱尔兰政府决定,有必要将旧车报废奖金的资金扩大到汽车上。此举的主要目的是减轻金融危机对苦苦挣扎的汽车业的影响,其次是防止可能的裁员。对于那些想报废旧车的人来说,这是非常有益的,作为回报,他们可以获得一些购买新车的财政支持(Aldred and Tepe, 2011)。首先,它在某些城市实施,以保护其经济支柱,然后在其他城市取得成功。这一想法不仅有助于加强一个国家的经济,也有助于减少二氧化碳的排放,因为效率较低的旧汽车将被回收,许多新的环保汽车将被引进。旧车报废计划的动机是刺激国内经济,从而走出金融危机,同时使社会更加环保。

如果说汽车报废计划有什么积极的作用的话,那就是它彻底减少了道路上的旧车数量,因为它确保了旧车被报废,而不是被转售,这对环境产生了积极的影响。旧车出售后,车主会得到奖励,这样他们就可以买一辆更环保的新车,并有助于转向更清洁的交通方式(Brand, Anable and Tran, 2013)。

二氧化碳排放量为150克/公里的汽车根本不环保,但它仍然是这个计划的一部分。汽车成为该计划的一部分的唯一要求是新车必须符合欧盟4国的废气排放标准。从2005年开始,所有这些标准都是汽车所要求的,但当时并没有给予重视(Huang et al., 2014)。如果有必要说服那些没有真正打算购买汽车的人购买汽车,那么它就不能被贴上环保措施的标签。更不用说更节能、更便宜的汽车的反弹效应了;它将鼓励人们更多地使用它。此外,如果我们支持那些本来就打算买新车的人买新车,那完全是浪费纳税人的钱。因此,可以说,政府推出的方案与其说是寻租,不如说是试图纠正市场失灵。


It was decided by the Ireland government that there was a need to extend funds with the motive to extend the funds for the car scrappage bonus to vehicles. The main aim behind it was to mitigate the impact of the financial crisis on the struggling car industry and second to prevent possible lay-offs. It was very beneficial for the people who want to scrap their old car and in return get some financial support for purchasing a new car (Aldred and Tepe, 2011). First, it was implemented in certain cities for protecting the backbone of its economy and after that it got successful in the rest of the cities. This idea not only helped in strengthening the economy of a country and helped in the reduction of the emission of CO2 as less efficient older cars would be recycled and many new environmentally friendly cars will be introduced. The motive of scrappage scheme was to stimulus the domestic economy and thus investing out of the financial crisis and at the same time making societies more environmentally friendly.

If any positive thing, which happened because of the scheme of car scrappage, was that it had completely removed the number of old, cars from the roads by ensuring they are scrapped instead of resold which had a positive impact on the environment. After the sale of old cars, incentives were given to the owners so that they could buy a new car which is more environment friendly and helps to shift toward a cleaner transport(Brand, Anable and Tran, 2013).
Cars with a CO2 output of 150gram/km which were not at all environment friendly but it still were a part this scheme. The only requirement for a car to be a part of that scheme was that the new cars should meet the Euro 4 standards on exhaust emission. All these standards were required by the cars since the year 2005, but no attentions were paid at that time and no importance were given to them (Huang et al., 2014). It cannot be labeled as an environment friendly measure if there was a need to convince people to buy a car who had not really planned to do so. Not to speak of the rebound effect of a more efficient car which is cheaper in consumption; it will encourage people to use it more often. Moreover, it is just totally wastage of money of taxpayers if we support people to buy a new car who had already planned to do so anyways. Thus, it can be said that the scheme introduced by the government was more of an attempt to rectify the market failure rather than being a rent-seeking scheme.
