

Tam和Gray(2016)指出,组织学习与组织生命周期直接相关,并且在组织不同阶段和员工发展中对员工有不同的学习要求。在一份研究报告中,人们注意到人力资源总监和副总裁邀请了解经济衰退对人力资源实践的影响已经同意改变人力资源的实践模式,并将经济衰退后的多项活动纳入并放弃(Meyler and Murphy,2009 )。其中,绩效管理,员工敬业度和员工沟通都优先于较早的更广泛的员工教学和标准化实践理论。目前的人力资源实践变得更加个性化,更加现实。并邀请对组织学习如何塑造组织及其发展的批判性评估。



Tam and Gray (2016) have noted that the organisational learning is directly related to organisational life cycle, and there are different learning requirements for employees in different stages of the organisation and the employee development. In a research report, it was noted that the HR directors and the VP’s invited to understand the impact of the recession on HR practices agreed to have changed the practice model of HR and included and discarded multiple activities after the recession (Meyler and Murphy, 2009). Out of these, performance management, employee engagement, and employee communication had been prioritized than earlier theories of broader employee teaching and standardised practices. The current HR practices have become more individual, more realistic. And invite critical evaluation of how the organisational learning is shaping the organisation and its development.

At the same time, HR outsourcing, employee retention, diversity management have gone down on the priority list, which has made more space for these more important priorities for organisational learning. The impact of recession has made the organisations realise about the cost of employees and the cost of not having them learn, which has opened up new avenues for employees to consider learning as an important step in the enhancement of the organisational competitive advantage, and also in developing their cognitive abilities. The learning element is seen as an investment than a cost since it is believed to bring in intangible, but long term benefits to the organisation. The recession’s impact of layoffs and mass downgrading have made the organisations aware of the importance of learning and the input of collective learning in difficult times in the economy. Thus, it is indicating that organisational learning has become a driver for change and has been regarded as a priority.
