

在基于虚拟协作的矩阵团队中,成员之间需要建立一种健壮的关系。应该有一种人们可以互相寻求建议、支持和资源的关系。应该有一个灵活的矩阵,在那里人们可以形成和重组团队。这在这个特殊的情况下是缺失的。之前没有任何积极的关系可以建立在此之上。形式化的结构导致没有个人纽带或非正式的组织结构(Cameron & McNaughtan, 2014)。管理层无法给员工灌输一种相互合作的动力。管理层没有给员工灌输合适的组织架构,员工之间没有形成非正式纽带的空间。这对公司实现其目标的进展造成了重大障碍。被确定的另一个问题是人的问题,即主要来自不同文化的员工的问题。


Dunphy和State(1993)提出了一个模型来识别公司内部的变化规模。它确定了四种主要类型。它包括微调、增量调整、模块化转型和整体企业转型。微调是指公司中较小的变化。增量变更是指单个团队中发生的变更。模块化转型是指公司各部分的变革。企业转型是指整个组织的变革。在这种情况下,Alliance Inc.实际上带来了公司的变革。员工认为这种改变是强制性的。这些变化随后被带到公司的所有部门。在公司的运营完全好转之前,应该有更多的增量变化(Dunphy & Stace, 1990)。这种强制性的领导风格给员工带来了恐惧,他们无法按照要求进行创新或创造。管理人员并不清楚新的边界,而是隐式地遵循管理的命令。这导致了一些问题。变革矩阵模型表明,企业强制变革的方式导致了变革的产生。


In a matrix team which is based on virtual collaboration there is a need for a robust relationship between the members. There should be a relationship where the people can seek advice, support and resources from each other. There should be a flexible matrix where the people can form and realign the teams. This was missing in this particular situation. There was no positive prior relationship that could be built upon. The formalized structure leads to no personal bonds or informal organizational structure (Cameron & McNaughtan, 2014). The management was not able to instill in the people a dynamic where they would work with each other. The management did not instil a proper organizational framework and there was no space for the people to form informal bonds. This had caused a major impediment to the progress of the company in meeting its objectives. The other issue that was identified is the issue of people i.e. the issue of employees who were primarily from different cultures.


Dunphy and State (1993) proposed a model to identify the scales of change within the company. It identified four major kinds. It was fine tuning, incremental adjustments, modular transformation and overall corporate transformation. Fine tuning refers to the smaller changes in the company. Incremental changes refer to the changes arising in individual teams. Modular transformation refers to the changes in parts of the company. Corporate transformation refers to the change in the whole organization. In this case Alliance Inc. had actually brought a corporate change. The change was perceived as coercive change by the employees. The changes were then brought to all the departments of the companies. There should have been a more incremental change before a complete turnaround of the operations of the company (Dunphy & Stace, 1990). This coercive leadership style had instilled fear in the employees and they were not able to be innovative or creative as required. The managers were not clear of the newer boundaries and followed the orders of the management implicitly. This had led to a number of issues. The change matrix model indicates that the company coercive style of bringing the changes had led to the issues.
