

从理论上讲,维护个人或群体身份的责任是极其重要的。电子邮件、互联网和电子商务等技术工具在全球商业运作中占据了相当大的份额。由于这一转变,敏感的个人信息在网上交流。保护这些敏感数据变得极为重要。犯罪分子想方设法窃取个人信息,从中获取最大利益。仿冒时尚品牌也是如此。事实上,销售假冒产品对一个国家的经济有着巨大的影响,同时也对知识产权产生了负面影响(Faircloth et al ., 2001)。在个人和品牌认同的背景下,我们的文章关注的是“改变我们的身份比以往任何时候都容易,但控制它却比以往任何时候都难”这一概念。我们将整合安全、社交媒体、时尚和品牌的概念,并评估为什么保护他们的身份至关重要。

社交媒体是一种工具,它使得个人身份极易受到攻击和侵犯。因为社交媒体为人们创造了如此多的平台来相互交流,这最终促进了个人提高他们的个人身份(Krasnova et al, 2009)。互联网在这方面的作用是非常重要的,因为互联网使这一进程更加迅速和毫不费力地向全球各地的用户开放。通过各种社交媒体平台,如Facebook和Twitter,全球各地的人们现在可以很容易地与他人互动,也可以很容易地与那些他们很久没有联系的朋友取得联系。同样,社交媒体也为造假者提供便利,让他们与来自全球各地的其他用户分享自己的观点和想法(Levi, 2008)。这包括在线背书他们的公司或品牌名称。

尽管互联网在用户个人身份的进化过程中为用户提供了很多便利,但它也有很多负面影响(Pratt et al ., 2010)。关于社交媒体,盗用品牌的身份肯定已经成为一个非常严重的问题,必须在情况变得更糟之前加以解决。有各种因素增加了身份盗窃的威胁,在更大的范围内发生。在这种情况下,最大的问题是客户对他们所使用的社交媒体的意识有限。在社交媒体网站上拥有过高的信任水平确实会使他们易于身份盗窃(Reisig et al ., 2009)。

值得注意的是,不仅个人,品牌也经常面临身份盗窃的威胁。在时尚和品牌的背景下,仿冒品可以被称为奢侈品和行业数量增长的真正抑制剂(Peggy和Stumpf, 2011)。它导致了品牌资产的扭曲,对品牌忠诚度产生了有害的影响。这也造成了收入的重大损失。Arghavan和Zaichkowsky(2000)认为,造假肯定会影响不同品牌所有者之间的竞争,对地下经济产生重大影响,还会影响几个工作岗位。除此之外,消费者的安全和健康也受到了严重影响(James and Clifford, 2006)。


From a theoretical perspective, the responsibility for safeguarding an individual’s or group’s identity is extremely important. Technological tools such as emails, internet and e-commerce have gained a significant share of how businesses around the world are carried out. Due to this shift, sensitive personal information is communicated online. Protecting such sensitive data has become extremely important. Criminals have sought out various ways through which they can steal personal information of individuals and gain maximum benefit in this regard. The same could be said about counterfeiting of fashion brands. It is a fact that selling of counterfeit products has a massive influence on the economy of a country and it also has a negative impact on the intellectual property rights (Faircloth et al, 2001). Within this context of individual and brand identity, our essay focuses on the notion “It is easier than ever to change our identity yet it is harder than ever to control it”. We would integrate the concepts of security, social media, fashion and branding and evaluate why the protection of their identity is essential.
A tool that has made personal identity of individuals highly vulnerable and prone to violation is social media. Because the fact that the social media has created so many platforms for the people to interact with each other, this eventually has facilitated individuals in enhancing their personal identity (Krasnova et al, 2009). The role of the internet in this regard has been very crucial as internet has made this process much swifter and effortlessly available to its users all across the globe. Through various social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, people all across the globe can now easily interact with each other and can also easily get in touch with those friends whom they haven’t been able to interact in a long time. In a similar manner, social media also facilities counterfeiters to share their views and ideas with the other users form all across the globe (Levi, 2008). This includes online endorsement of their company or brand name.
Even though internet facilitates its users a lot in the evolution of their individual personal identity but it also has various negative aspects affiliated with it (Pratt et al, 2010). With regards to social media, identity theft of brands has certainly become a very serious issue that has to be addressed before the situation gets even worse. There are various factors that have increased threat of identity theft occurring at a larger scale. The biggest issue in this scenario is limited awareness of customer regarding the social media that they have been using. Having an excessive level of trust on social media sites does make them prone to identity theft (Reisig et al, 2009).
It is important to note that not only individuals but also brands have a constant threat of identity theft. Within the context of fashion and branding, counterfeiting could be termed as a real inhibitor for luxury as well as industry volume growth (Peggy and Stumpf, 2011). It has resulted in distortion of brand equity and has made a detrimental impact on brand loyalty. This has also resulted towards important losses in revenue. According to Arghavan and Zaichkowsky (2000), counterfeiting can certainly affect competition among different brand owners and can have a significant impact on underground economies and can also impacts several jobs. Apart from that, security and health of consumers are also severely impacted (James and Clifford, 2006).
