

所分析的文章反映了他们所发表的报纸所遵循的潜在的信仰、道德和哲学。《卫报》的第一篇文章对英国首相特里萨·梅(Theresa May)和澳大利亚总理马尔科姆·特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)之间的会谈持积极态度。这篇文章强调了“非常强劲、非常开放”的对华贸易协定,以及澳大利亚正在帮助英国建立国际自由贸易技术支持的事实。这反映出作者和出版商对英国首相与英国早日达成自由贸易协定的热情举动的信任和支持。


然而,《先驱太阳报》(Herald Sun)的第二篇文章反映出,人们对澳大利亚和英国之间正在建立的自由贸易协定不那么乐观。这篇文章引用了过去英国与澳大利亚断绝贸易关系的事件。这篇文章也指出了美国、中国等国家在中国G20峰会上对与英国的自由贸易缺乏兴趣。这篇文章的作者和出版商不相信自由贸易协定会带来很多有益的结果,这可能有利于澳大利亚的经济或世界声誉。


The articles analysed reflects the underlying believes, morals and philosophises followed by the newspapers they are published in. The first article in the Guardian is more on a positive note over the talks held between the British Prime Minister, Theresa May and the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull. The article emphasise on the words such as “very strong, very open” trade deals with the UK or the fact that the Australia is helping the UK with establishing its technical support for international free trades. This reflects the believe and support extended by the writer as well as publisher for the Prime Minister’s enthusiastic move to form early free trade agreement with the UK.


However, the second article of the Herald Sun reflects a little less optimism over the free trade agreement being established between Australia and UK. The article cite about the past events were UK has severed its trade ties with Australia. This article also points out the lack of interest for free trade with the UK shown by other countries like America, China, etc. in the G20 summit at China. The writer and publisher of this article do not believe in much fruitful results of the free trade agreement which might benefit the Australian economy or world reputation.
