

First principle laid down by Ernest was purposeful. This principle defines the fact that there should exists a purpose in the community meaning that the people in the society, the faculty and the students share same academic goals as well as work in accordance with each other to create an environment in the community that encourages teaching as well as learning in the community. In all aspects of the contemporary world goals of related parties need to be coherent in order achieve the maximum out of the possibility. Even in management, in order to achieve goals in an effective and efficient manner, employees and managers need to define goals and work in collaboration with each other thereby increasing efficiency and productivity. Hence I believe that yes, purposefulness needs to exist in the community to achieve greater learning. We must also accept the fact that learning is a two-way deal. The teacher might have more knowledge but at the end of the day the exchange to wisdom is mutual regardless of prior knowledge, as explained by Ernest- learning is central. Our university can practice this principle through practicing methods such as conducting activities that not only helps the students learn more but in fact provide the teachers with learning as well, that is, providing them with an


