代写dissertation 婴幼儿护理

by | 27-Mar-2014 | 美国代写, 论文代写


重要的是要理解gesturesof婴儿早期预测如果任何不适的迹象。有研究,只处理婴儿,因为他们是完全依赖于他们的母亲几乎每一个可能的事情。母亲提供保护、食品、舒适和他们也知道与他们保持密切的身体接触(Roger Koenker,2000)。密切接触使婴儿越来越依赖于他的母亲。妈妈也感到强烈的联系和相互连接的这种感觉是回报的行为。岁以下儿童一年花了几乎所有的时间与他们的母亲不能走动,密切联系生活的习惯,据说,他们认识到他们的母亲的心跳,因为他们习惯的心跳的声音在他们的时间在子宫里(Silvia m .铃铛,1970年3月)。来自父母的基因连接在从母亲和身体连接,我们正在研究这个话题的原因。


It is important to understand the gesturesof infants to predict early signs of discomfort if any. There are studies conducted which deals with only infants as they are totally dependent on their mothers for almost every possible thing. Mothers provide them protection, food, comfort and they were also known to be in close physical contact with them(Roger Koenker, 2000). Close contact makes the infant more and more dependent on his mother. Mother also feels strong connection and this feeling of mutual connection is reciprocated in their behavior. Children aged below one year spent almost all the time with their mothers as they can’t move around much and are in the habit of living in close contact and it is said that they recognize their mothers from their heartbeats as well, because they were habituated of the sound of heartbeat during their time spent in the womb(Silvia M. Bells, March 1970). The genetic connection is from both the parents while the bodily connection is from mother and that is the reason we are researching this topic.
