

当包括日常生活中习惯的噪音时,声学特写在感知声音方面起着至关重要的作用。然而,代写essay在淹没在嘈杂声中的个别声音中,这种情况是不会听到的。保持意识也有重要的影响。如果在特写镜头中捕捉到任何声音,人们就会意识到其影响。在同一时间点,这将影响行动涉及的表现。如果任何一个戏剧制作人愿意寻求观众的注意,就会在动作达到任何转折点时表现出叹息的表情(Rouch, 2003)。但是,这就导致了叹息作为一个重要的字符的丢失。这个角色可能是孤独和害羞的,代写essay但几乎听不到。


情感和思想的微妙的相互关系和联系传达了非常柔和和低声音效果的来源。这种智力或情感的联系起着决定性的戏剧代写essay作用。关键的结论是不可能有隔离的声音。当考虑声音的特写镜头时,必须特别注意声音的某些属性。这从来没有提供许可的隔离声音涉及到它的声音设置与周围的隔离通过近距离拍摄。一个特定的音乐作品的力量可以通过增加分贝在眼睛中得到增强。有不可避免的纷扰的声学环境剂量,拍摄(Žižek, 1992)。有一个主要的困难,在本地化的声音,这一事实必须考虑到一个电影导演。塑造可见元素将有许多方面。然而代写essay,在声音中却没有这样的方面。这并不需要从不同角度拍摄。每一个声源都有一个被空间束缚的角色。同样的声音在不同的环境下会产生不同的效果,比如大海,森林,街道或者空旷的大厅。

Key Summary

Acoustic close-ups play a crucial role in perceiving sound when including accustomed noise in daily lives. However, this is never heard in the case of individual sounds while drowning in general din. There is also a significant impact of maintaining consciousness. If any sound is picked up in a close-up, there will be awareness about the impact. At the same point of time, this will impact action involved under manifestation. If any theatrical producer shows willingness in seeking attention of the viewer, there is expression of sigh as the action reaches any turning point (Rouch, 2003). However, this results in causing the loss of sigh as an important character. This character can be retiring and shy while staying audibly scarcely. In both sound films and代写essay silent films, there can be conveyance of intimate, scarcely perceptible things having a secret of unobserved eavesdropper. There is no need to build silence for the demonstration of sounds so that everyone can hear it. This can help in maintaining intimacy. There can be continuity of general din, while completely drowning in sound (Shaw, 2008). The source of sound can be quietly closed with the ear and the microphone listening to it nevertheless. This acts as a major benefit to be used in the setting of silent film.


Subtle interrelations and associations of emotions and thoughts convey the sources of very soft and low sound effects. Such intellectual or emotional linkages play a crucial decisive dramaturgical role. The key conclusion is that there can be no isolation of sound. When considering close-up view of sound, significant care must be given to certain attributes of sound. This never provides permissions for the isolation of sound involving the acoustic set with its isolation from the surroundings by close- up shot. The power of a specific musical piece may be enhanced in the eyes with the addition of decibels. There is inevitable encroaching of acoustic environment with dose- up shot (Žižek, 1992). There is major difficulty in localizing sound代写essay and this fact must be accounted in a film director. Shaping visible elements will be having a number of sides. However, there are no such aspects in sound. This does not require shots from different angles. Every source of sound will be having a character bound by space on its own. The effect of same sound will be different in different settings such as the sea, forest, street or empty hall.
