
本篇代寫-分析診斷與症狀和體徵的關係講了病人沒有出現嘔吐或噁心的症狀。人們發現這個病人正在服用治療各種病症的藥物。根據這些症狀,立即給予病人的藥物是依諾肝素和氯吡格雷。氯吡格雷和依諾肝素用於治療體內血栓的形成。依諾肝素是一種抗凝血劑。考慮到患者高膽固醇、肥胖,且竇性心動過緩,血泵緩慢(chang&daly, 2015)。在這些情況下使用抗凝血劑是正常的,以確保沒有阻礙血液在體內的流動。阿司匹林也被認爲適用於抗血小板治療,以防止血栓的形成。本篇代寫文章由美国第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Analysis diagnostics in relation to the signs and symptoms.

The patient did not exhibit vomiting condition or nausea. It has been found that the patient is undertaking drugs for various conditions. Based on these symptoms, the immediate medication given to the patient are enoxaparin and clopidogrel. Clopidogrel and enoxaparin are given to address any formation of the clots in the body. Enoxaparin is an anti-coagulant agent. Given the fact that the patient has high cholesterol, obese and also exhibiting sinus bradychardia where the pumping of the blood is slow (Chang& Daly, 2015). It is normal to give anticoagulant in these conditions to ensure that the there is no impediment to the flow of the blood in the body. Aspirin is also considered to be suitable for the anti-platelet therapy to prevent the formation of the clots (Habibian et al., 2016). It is currently debated as to which is more effective (Hardin & Kaplow, 2015). According to the NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) guidelines, it has been prescribed that Clopidogrel is effective and should be prescribed. However, as an alternative, the hospital could have also diagnosed aspirin as the first line of defense to address the NSTEMI condition. Even though aspirin has been prescribed to the patient as a discharge drug, it has been considered effective in the first case. There are a number of biochemical reactions that show aspirin to be equally effective (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2015). There is also lipid profile, echo cardiogram and angiogram that have been done to analyze the situation. These treatment option is the prescribed mandates in these cases (Huston, 2013). It is normal to take a blood test and ensure that the pressure of the blood being pumped is normal.

Nitrates should be given to the patients for the ways to reduce the pain in the body and also to act as a vasodilator (Lehne, & Rosenthal, 2014). It has been shown by literature that the use of Nitrate will be positive for the patient in dealing with the pain. In this case, it has been determined that the emergency care provided to the patient is the right methodology given the current developments and mandates prescribed.

Medications that has been given to the patients have been explained in the following with the pharmaco dynamics of the medications.

