

What is Empirical Research?
According to Glynn and Fischer (2010, pp 72) has described in the book “Quantitative methods in cognitive semantics: corpus-driven approaches” that empirical research supports the new ideas development through the data collection. The researcher who takes this one step further and gathers data to test their description will be undertaking empirical research. The major features of empirical research are data driven. The researcher cannot easily draw conclusions from isolated observations and individual cases and more the data they gather to study a specific phenomenon they get their conclusions better. Empirical research is linguistics and it can be experimental or observational and there is a complementarily between both approaches. The research data may emerge from various sources and they may be gathered as they occur but they may be also be elicited by doing experimental research or by doing survey research. The empirical research also involves quantitative methods. In order to get a better grip on the wide observational basis of non elicited or elicited data investigators require techniques to come to terms with the necessary needed material. Specifically they require statistical tests to determine whether particular observations might be due to chance or not. It requires to be emphasized that quantification is not the essence of empirical research but simply follows in a natural way of what an empirical methodology tries to gain and quantification in empirical research is not about quantification but about hypothesis testing and data management.




