

本文所舉的實時例子是衰老的大腦和決策與情緒協調的方式。隨著年齡的增長,大腦會發生變化。這種認知變化恰好對情緒有直接影響(Luo, 2008)。當情緒受到影響時,決策的能力就會被徹底打亂。在人們年輕的時候,大腦有接受事物的傾向,大腦的工作緊密地基於決策模式。結果,做決定碰巧更健康。另一方面,個體差異會影響老年人做出正確的決定。情感接受被認為是控制個體決策態度的因素。

年輕人更有可能調節情緒,處理環境中的壓力,最終做出正確的決定(Haffman, 2015)。然而,老年人的思維和操作態度則相反。由於老年人無法區分騙局和真實的騙局,他們更容易受到騙局的傷害。這是老年人面臨決策問題的一個例子。

擁有積極態度的人往往較少聽取他人的觀點。因此,性格樂觀會導致糟糕的決策。其次,註意力的缺乏會打斷決策。這使得極度積極的人在信息處理方面很差。對於老年人來說,虛擬決策是一個復雜的話題。由於年輕的員工熟練掌握技術,並有根據環境改變興趣的傾向,他們與團隊的虛擬互動更好,並保持激勵水平(Nasco, 2010)。青少年虛擬團隊的信任度較高。

對於老年人來說,隨著環境的變化,刺激會減少(Cook et al, 2007)。當涉及到虛擬團隊時,老年人對這種交互不太感興趣。這意味著信任因素更少,動機更少,這是缺乏對在不同平臺上進行交互的興趣的原因。



The real time example taken in this paper is the way the aging brain and decision making coordinate with the emotions. Brain undergoes alterations as a person ages. This cognitive change happens to have a direct effect on the emotion (Luo, 2008). As the emotion gets effected, the capabilities of decision making are thoroughly disrupted. During the younger ages of the people, mind has the tendency to accept things and the brain works closely based on the decision patterns. As a result, decision making happens to be healthier. On the other hand, individual differences affect older adults from taking right decisions. The affective acceptance is supposed to be the factor that controls the attitude of decision making of any individual.
Younger people are more likely to regulate emotions and handle the stress in environments and eventually, take the right decision (Haffman, 2015). However, the thinking and manipulation attitude of older adults are on the other end. Because the older adults are unable to differentiate between the scams and the real ones, they are more vulnerable to scams. This is an example of decision making issue faced by elder ones.
People with extremely positive attitude tend to listen less to other’s views. As a result, dispositional optimism leads to poor decisions. Secondly, the lack of attention interrupts the decisions. This lets extremely positive people in poor information processing. Virtual decision making is a complex topic for older adults. As younger ones are adept with the technology and have the tendency to alter the interests depending on the environments, they interact better with their teams virtually and maintain motivational levels (Nasco, 2010). The trust factor of the virtual team involving younger adults is high.
In case of older people, the stimulus is less as the environments vary (Cook et al, 2007). When it comes to virtual teams, older adults are less interested towards such interactions. This implies the trust factor is less and the motivation is even less which is the reason behind lack of interest towards interaction on a different platform.
Decision making attitude hugely varies as people age. The real time example shows that younger adults possess good decision making skills over older adults. Virtual teams put decision making as the most complex factor that requires adequate accuracy and team motivation to achieve good results.
