

杰克和库珀是自闭症学生,他们发现当前的教育体系存在严重缺陷。在过去几年中,自闭症和行为障碍儿童的报告病例增加了90%。实际上,很难分配资源和确保儿童得到健全的教育。基尔贝里山谷小学以包容的理念招收了这对双胞胎。由于这种包容性政策,学校遇到了一些实际困难(Green, 2015)。研究发现,资金问题、资源分配、组织帮助儿童的教育是学校面临的一些主要障碍。另一个重要问题是,该地区没有为儿童提供包容性高等教育。它基本上表明,严重学习障碍儿童没有真正的包容舞台。这个案例研究突出了当前教育系统面临的一些问题。


由于它是主观的,学生有可能被排除在主流社会之外。这可能造成种族隔离的情况。通过引入选择性的包容性,各个组织所宣扬的包容性的整个目的变得毫无意义(Chesley, & Calaluce 1997)。双方同意,家长和直接参与儿童事务的教师应就儿童的教育问题作出决定。然而,在这个过程中存在着持久的隔离风险。需要解决这个问题,使选择性纳入获得成功。


关于包容性的另一种看法是,仅仅让所有儿童入学并使用相同的工具来教他们,将不会有好处。教师有必要超越Naussbaum的能力方法理论(Hedge & MacKenzie 2012)。每个人在尊严方面都有一定的权利,这是很令人愉快的。正规的教育体制并不能真正使有特殊需要的儿童受益。杰克和库珀的情况是学校考虑过的。为了营造一种真正包容的氛围,应该对道德进行教导。正义、平等应该教给学生。应该教导他们尊重彼此的差异,真正创造一种包容和避免隔离的局面(Hedge & MacKenzie 2012)。仅仅招收学生而忽视学生并不是正确的做法。教师需要为Naussbaum能力方法添加另一个维度。

包容的意识形态中包含着一种欺骗(Chesley, & Calaluce 1997)。鼓吹包容主义的人不谈论这一概念所涉及的内在问题。由于这种包容主义在社会中一直被忽视。它被认为是田园诗般的,不实用。实际上,包容并不是解决儿童所有发展问题的万灵药(Chesley & Calaluce 1997)。仅仅通过包容儿童将不会受益,儿童有必要了解形势的动态(Chesley & Calaluce 1997)。有发育问题的孩子应该集中精力发展他们的社交技能,让自己更多地融入这个过程。


Jake and Cooper are autistic students who are finding serious shortfalls in the current education system. Number of reported cases of Autism and children with behavioural disorders has increased by 90% in the last few years. Practically it has been difficult to allocate resources and ensure that the children get wholesome education. Killberry Valley Primary School had enrolled the twins under the concept of inclusiveness. There are a number of practical difficulties that have been encountered by the school owing to this inclusiveness policy (Green, 2015). It has been found that funding issues, allocation of resources, structuring an education that help the children are some of the major hurdles encountered by the school. Another important issue is that there is no inclusive higher education provided for the children in the area. It essentially showcases that children with severe learning disabilities have no real arena for inclusiveness. This case study highlights a number of issues facing the current education system.
Perception 1: Types of inclusiveness in schooling system (selective inclusion)
Since it is made subjective there is possibility of students being excluded from mainstream society. This can foster a situation of segregation. Whole purpose of inclusiveness propagated by the various organizations becomes meaningless by introducing selective inclusion (Chesley, & Calaluce 1997). It is agreed that individual parents, teachers directly involved with the children should make decision regarding the child’s education. However there is a persistent risk of segregation in this process. This issue needs to be addressed to make selective inclusion successful.
Perception 3: Danger of being overlooked
Another perception regarding inclusiveness is that by merely enrolling all children and teaching them using the same tools will not be beneficial. There is a need for the teachers to look beyond Naussbaum capability approach theory (Hedge & MacKenzie 2012). It is quite agreeable that every human has certain entitlements regarding their dignity. Regular schooling system will not really benefit special needs children in the system. In the case of Jake and Cooper there was considerations made by the school. To foster a real atmosphere of inclusiveness there should be teachings made about ethics. Justice, equality should be taught to the students. They should be taught to respect each other’s difference to really create a situation of inclusiveness and avoiding segregation (Hedge & MacKenzie 2012). Merely enrolling the students and overlooking the students is not the right approach. There is a need for the teachers to add another dimension to Naussbaum capability approach.
There is a deception that is involved in the ideology of inclusiveness (Chesley, & Calaluce 1997). People propagating inclusivism do not speak of the inherent issues involved in the concept. Owing to this inclusivism has been disregarding in societies. It is considered to be idyllic and not pragmatic. In reality inclusivism is not a panacea for all development issues in children (Chesley & Calaluce 1997). By simple means of inclusiveness children will not benefit there is a need for the children to understand the dynamics of the situation (Chesley & Calaluce 1997). Children who have developmental issues should focus on developing their social skills to feel more included in the process.
