

为了了解传统旅行社的商业模式,对最古老的传统旅行社——Thomas Cook进行分析是很重要的。为了克服客户的需求和需求,它必须克服大量的技术和各种其他市场因素方面的挑战。为了克服同样的问题,他们在主要的商业模式中进行了不同的调整。托马斯·库克向所有顾客提出了一个深刻的价值主张。这包括大量预先包装的假期和包括航班和其他服务在内的独立产品。这些组件的主要价值是由于他们在旅游业的长期经验(Zott et al ., 2011)。此外,由于公司历史悠久,路径依赖关系对组织的成功起着非常重要的作用。由于新技术的发展,顾客的行为发生了许多变化。


因此,可以得出结论,旅游业是世界上变化最大的产业之一。在这个行业中,有一些变化是一致的。为了不辜负客户的期望,并以适当的方式实施变革,重要的是旅游公司根本不依赖于商业模式(Hart et al ., 2011)。重要的是,公司应该致力于制定新的和更可行的方法来帮助客户,并确保他们以良好的成本获得最佳的环境。在这份报告中,讨论的重点是旅游业。分析了各公司用于业务增长和提高其服务质量的方法。为了提供真实的证据,我们对Thomas cook(传统旅行社)和Expedia(最受欢迎的在线旅行社)实施的商业策略进行了研究和分析。研究发现,旅游行业对商业模式的要求是最低的。对商业模式进行了研究,并对商业模式的相关文献进行了分析。


In order to understand business models in case of the traditional travel agencies, it is important to do the analysis of the oldest traditional travel agency- Thomas Cook. In order to overcome the demands and the needs of the customers, it had to overcome a large number of challenges in terms of the technology and various other market factors. In order to overcome the same, the different adjustments had been done in their primary business model. Thomas Cook offered a profound value proposition to all the customers. This included the large number of pre-packed holidays and independent products which included the flights and other services. The primary value of these components was because of their long experience in the tourism industry (Zott et al, 2011). Furthermore, because of the long history of the company, the path dependencies plays very important role in the success of the organization. As a result of the development of the new technology, there have been a lot of changes in the behaviour of the customer.


Thus, it can be concluded that the tourism industry is one of the most variable industries in the world. There are a number of changes in the industry on a consistent basis. In order to live up to the expectations of the customers and to implement the changes in the proper manner, it is important that the tourism companies are not dependent on the business model at all (Hart et al, 2011). It is important that the companies should working on making new and more feasible methods for the assistance of the customers and to ensure that they get the best environment at a good cost. In this report, the discussion has been focused on the tourism industry. There has been an analysis of the approaches which are used by the companies for the growth of the business and also for the enhancement of their own service quality. In order to provide real evidence, the business strategies which are implemented by Thomas cook (which is the traditional travel agency) and Expedia (which is the most popular online travel agency) has been studied and analyzed. From the studies, it has been found that there is a minimal requirement of the business model in the tourism industry. There has been a study on the business model and some literature evidences regarding the business models has also been analysed.
