




管理者需要寻找被动攻击行为。这是指向他人的隐含敌意(David and David, 2016)。人们不直接表达他们的愤怒,他们使用其他形式来表达他们的愤怒。这在办公室环境中更常见。应该鼓励人们在这些情况下发表意见。





ACMA organization needs to have effective communication as an inception step to create changes in the company. The people in the company should be addressed about their issues and the individual line managers should try to first listen to the needs of the people in the company. There should be focus on trust, credibility and transparency of the operations to create a positive work environment. In this analysis the ways to create active listening and prevent reflective listening have been explained. Apart from this the nuances of the communication models and passive aggressive behaviour need to be comprehended by the managers to create effective solution. The academic models and the practical implementation of the models have been explained in this section. The limitation of this research is that the exact subjective needs of the situation cannot be comprehended. Therefore there can be an overall formula provided to the managers to implement the solutions.


Effective communication stems from years of positive experiences. This cannot be achieved in a short span. The managers need to understand this and focus on building positive short term experiences for long lasting solutions.
The managers need to look for passive aggressive behaviours. This is implied hostility that is directed towards others (David and David, 2016). The people do not directly express their anger they use other forms to express their anger. This is more common in an office environment. The people should be encouraged to voice their opinions in those cases.
Active listening requires training and continual feedback the managers should continually speak to the employees.
Trust, credibility, integrity and transparency need to be instilled to create effective communication paradigm in the company.
The company is planning to expand and there should be stakeholder engagement to create positive communication.
