代寫 英文:結構化產品開發

代寫 英文:結構化產品開發

結構化產品開發包括五個階段。公司的工作是分階段進行的,並通過管理門評審進行驗證。項目需要通過可行性,以確保產品上市(Wheelwright, 2010)。消費者組對結果進行了進一步的驗證。公司與客戶羣體評估每個產品開發過程。這是爲了降低開發成本,確保開發成本保持在較低水平。對於任何新產品開發項目,公司需要確定目標市場,創建產品類別並制定創新努力框架(Krishnan和Ulrich, 2001)。概念生成是一個廣泛的概念。這些公司集思廣益,想出許多辦法來測試某一特定產品在市場上是否可行(Nambisan, 2002)。在產品的初始階段,經常詳細討論產品的淨現值。這是用於NPD的高級經濟篩選。主要的金融工具經常被用於這種確定(Carlile, 2002)。它是產品的投資回報(ROI)。投資回報率使用時間價值和金錢的論點。它還比較了與產品投資相關的新產品的似是而非的回報率(Fulbright, 2013)。人們發現,投資回報率是一種工具,用來消除較大和較小的差異。在這個模式中還有一些無形的因素和情感上的問題需要解決,企業需要把創新戰略和產品線的發展考慮進去,以支持和發展現有的品牌。公司使用各種構思工具來確定產品。開發的整個產品是基於增強現實的,對人們的移動做出反應。該公司希望利用消費者贊助的技術,推出一種易於運輸的創新產品。產品的產品架構設計被發現是許多不同的元素和功能,在一個單一的集成工具下進行比較(Rothaermeland &契約,2004)。該公司必須開發許多工具來確保產品需要進行測試。該公司最終決定推出一款類似揚聲器的設備,它將模擬增強現實概念的許多功能(Cayley, 2016)。這是一個相當困難的概念,儘管如此,公司還是能夠開發出產品。這在某種程度上是一種範式轉變的產品,人們通常不知道它將如何在實際市場上被接受。隨着人們越來越多地使用它,Alexa應用程序對事件有了更多的理解。服務有更多的定製。該公司已經能夠獲得一個新的消費利基基由於這一創新(Jubinski, 2016)。對於之前作爲銷售零售商品的電子商務門戶的公司來說,這是一個不同的流程。這份來自消費者智能研究夥伴(CIRP)的報告發現,超過820萬的消費者擁有亞馬遜Echo設備。從2014年底開始首次銷售。產品銷售的增長是由於假日購物的人。這家公司推出了一款價格實惠的新產品,並吸引了大批顧客。82%的人意識到了亞馬遜的消費者。從2016年9月開始,公司的產品銷量有所增長。該公司使用了公司的傳統媒體廣告(Altobello, 2016)。該公司還利用其電子商務網站提高了產品在市場上的知名度。產品的推出和後續的行動的產品已經詳細說明如下。

代寫 英文:結構化產品開發

A structured product development is found to encompass five phases. The company is found to work in stages and validated by the management gate reviews. The project needs to pass the feasibility to ensure that the product is launching (Wheelwright, 2010). There is further verification of the results with the consumer groups. The company assesses each product development process with the customer groups. This is to reduce the developmental costs and to ensure that the costs remain low for the development. For any new product development project, the companies need to identify target markets, create product categories and frame the innovation effort (Krishnan and Ulrich, 2001). Concept generation is a wide notion. The companies brainstorm a number of ideas to test if a particular product was feasible in the markets (Nambisan, 2002). In the inception stage of the product, the net present value of the product is often discussed in detail. This is used for the high-level economic screening of the NPD. The primary financial tools are often used in this determination (Carlile, 2002). It is the return of investment (ROI) for the product. The ROI uses a time-value and money argument. It also collated the plausible return on the newer product that is relative to the investment of the product (Fulbright, 2013) The ROI is found to be a tool that is used to smooth out differences of the large and the smaller differences. There are also intangible factors and emotional issues that need to be contended in this schema and the companies need to factor in the innovation strategy and the development of the product line to support and develop the existing brands. The company uses a variety of ideation tools to determine the product. The overall product that was developed was based on augmented reality that responded to the movement of the people. The company wanted to use the technique of consumer patronage to roles out an innovative product that was easily transportable. The product architecture design of the product was found to be a number of different elements and functionalities that was collated under a single integrated tool (Rothaermeland & Deeds, 2004). The company had to work on a number of tools to ensure that the product needed to be tested. The company finally decided on a speaker like device that would emulate a number of functions of the augmented reality notion (Cayley, 2016). This was a considerably tough notion nevertheless the company was able to develop the product. This was in ways a paradigm shifting product and the people in general did not know how it would be accepted in the real markets. The application Alexa gains more comprehension about the events as the people use it more and more. There is more customization of the services. The company has been able to gain a new consumer niche base owing to this innovation (Jubinski, 2016). This was a different stream for the company that had previously served as an e-commerce portal to sell retail goods. The report from the Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) found that more than 8.2 million customers have an Amazon Echo device. There were first on sale from the late 2014. The increase in the sales of the product was owing to the holiday shoppers. The company rolled out a new affordable product and the people. 82% of the people became aware of the Amazon consumers. The company saw in increase in the sales of the product from September 2016. The company used traditional media advertising of the companies (Altobello, 2016). The company also used its e-commerce site to increase the awareness of the product in the markets. The launches of the product and the subsequent actions of the product have been detailed in the following.
