






Urbanity can be defined as the process of being up to date with the modern ties. It is an important quality of a civilized community. This is reflected in the ways of the lifestyle of the people, symbolization and their ritual behavior. Urbane cities are the tech savvy cities where the technology is up to date, but it is not the only prerequisite to be qualified as urban cities. There is the potential for any city to be urbane.

As a logical sequence of these actions, there will be increase in fear owing to lack of awareness. There will be lesser empathy and more hatred developed from the imagined fears. There will be unequal growth in the communities and would lead to further divides in the community. This would cause the overall city and the community to fail. There will be chaos if the current condition is allowed to continue. There should be immediate feasible action plan developed to address this issue to prevent chaos in the future.


There is a disintegration of the people within the communities that have become evident. This has caused growth to be focused on certain areas and certain communities. The affluent class continues to grow whereas the poor people of the society continue to suffer. Intellectuals of the population suggest more awareness and developing of probable solutions. To develop solutions for the people to increase harmony and development in the community there should be increasing interaction with the people in the communities. One of the most important ways of achieving this paradigm is by reconstructing the concept of city design.

