



在一个非常粗略的一瞥,人们可能认为希伯来玩不多有关历史的一部分在美国语言(谷1)。然而,尽管官方语言在英语的重点和一个稍微扩大双语专注于西班牙语,希伯来语仍然是正确的一个移民的历史叙事,同样重要。例如,希伯来语是早期美国人最喜欢的语言,他们认为希伯来语比其他语言更接近他们的圣经历史。事实上,“五月花”的朝圣者会把自己的旅程看作是犹太人穿越红海的旅程。然而,圣经的热情并没有使希伯来语成为官方语言。尽管如此,它还是在耶鲁、哥伦比亚和达特茅斯等大学的课程中被纳入并教授。19世纪的耶鲁大学校长埃兹拉·斯泰尔斯(Ezra Stiles)被认为将希伯来语作为官方语言,而不是美国的英语(新英格兰历史学会11)。美国需要一种独立而独特的语言。然而,正如诺亚·韦伯斯特(Noah Webster)以一种独特的美国方式构建并理解的那样,英语成了使用英语的标准


The status of the language that is presented in this essay is the Hebrew language. . Hebrew Language in the United StatesHebrew comes under the classification of all other languages and is classified along with languages like the Arabic, American Indian, Alaskan native languages and other languages from the Southern American nations


In a very cursory glance, it might be possible for people to dismiss Hebrew as not playing a much relevant part of history of languages in the United States (Valley 1). However, despite the focus of official language being on English and a slightly more expanded bilingual focus on Spanish, it is still true that Hebrew has an immigrant history narrative that is just as significant. Hebrew, for instance, was a favorite language of the early Americans who viewed the language as being close to their biblical history more than any other. In fact, the Mayflower pilgrims would have observed their own journey as being nothing short of the journey that Jews undertook when they crossed the Red sea. The Biblical enthusiasm, however, was not efficient in making Hebrew an official language. Nevertheless, it was incorporated and taught in coursework’s at universities such as Yale, Columbia and Dartmouth. President of the Yale College in the 1800s’, Ezra Stiles, is said to have proposed Hebrew as the official language instead of English for the United States of America (New England Historical Society 11). An independent and unique language was required for the United States. However, English, as constructed and understood in a unique American way as presented by Noah Webster, became the standard to use

