




After Karl Marx expressed his views on capitalist economy, it was almost after a century when there had been an emergence of neoclassical economy, when it was recognized by a small number of British economic that the markets were responsible for the establishment of values for a number of services and good, instead of the intrinsic properties underlying these item (Stanford, 2008). According to Marx, capitalist economy can be considered as the economic systems, in which there is ownership and management of these productions by private institutions and individuals. It can also be considered as economic individualism in which the individuals are the ones to take the decision on how much and what to distribute and produce. The State government is responsible only for taking care of only external and internal security of the nation. Normally, activities in relation with Courts of Justice, Administration, Police and Defence are under the control of the government (Canterbery, 1995).

An economy of private enterprise is categorized by the existence of considerable unemployment and business fluctuation. In case of capitalist economy, there will be an involvement of some ups and downs, further affecting the cycle of business by inevitable repercussion among the individuals. Being one of the founders of economics, Karl Marx held the assumption to present perfect competition. More or less, this state seems to be non- existent as far as this is in concern with economic matters (Stanford, 2008). There was restraining of State job in order to enforce contracts, protect property, order frontiers across nation, and maintain law. The key opinion was that there is no right of the State for interfering in the economic activities of the nation. In this category, there was a dominating effect from the principle of laissez- faire. Marx identified two categories of capitalist economy that are monopoly capitalism and classical capitalism.
