

公司进行重组的目的是建立更好的战略机会、生存能力和盈利能力。对于一个商业组织来说,在正确的方向上成长是极其重要的。在资产、成本、利润和增长的其他方面建立平衡是至关重要的(Payne, Storbacka, and Frow, 2008)。为了建立有效的市场地位和竞争力,企业必须能够调整其业务选择和战略。



Face book在收购WhatsApp时采用了杠杆收购策略。这有助于公司加强其业务,并确保从长远来看有更好的增长。增长是至关重要的,这要求收集资产,同时收集客户基础和其他业务能力。这在很大程度上加强了facebook在社交媒体行业的业务。


管理激励重组和对组织绩效的影响包括加强资产、资源和劳动力(Obradovi ?, Fedajev & Nikoli ?, 2012)。这确实带来了更好的增长和市场竞争力。与此同时,它还有助于创造更好的业务增长水平。必须在本组织内建立这些层次的变革和改组,以便从这些进程中发生的各种战略变革和能力的加强中获益。重要的是,在执行所有这些因素的同时,本组织必须保持有效的平衡,以便实现最大的协同作用。只有这样,战略重组才能使相关组织受益,同时帮助利益相关者实现收益最大化(Lawton Smith, Dickson and Smith, 2005)。重要的是管理者要理解重组背后的原因,并能够有效地管理变更。它们可以实现几个好处,包括规模经济和市场领导,这对组织是有益的。它导致了消费者意识的建立,并有助于找到合适的目标市场。此外,它还帮助包括服务机构在内的组织获得忠诚的客户群。所有这些方面对业务都具有长期的重要性,因为它帮助业务创建更好的开发和市场存在,这可以帮助业务增长以及获得更好的客户基础。


Firms restructure for the purpose of building better strategic opportunities, viability and profitability. It is extremely essential for a business organization to grow in the right direction. It is essential that there is a balance built in terms of assets, costs, profits and other aspects of growth (Payne, Storbacka, and Frow, 2008). It is important for a business to be able to restructure its business options and strategies, in order to build an effective market presence and competitiveness.
Hyundai used down scoping as a strategy, in order to focus on automobile business. This helped the business create a stronger level of competency building for the purpose of creating a stronger level of market presence. It is essential that there are effective strategies formed and so restructuring becomes essential in the form of down scoping. At the same time, it is important that there is a balance built in the assets and resources of the organization as well as its operations. This makes down scoping essential.
Infosys used downsizing in order to ensure efficiency in the operations of the business. Downsizing involved laying off employees for the purpose of building better efficiency in the organization. It is essential that there be balance built, in order to formulate better aspects of leadership and team development in the organization. This can help ensure effective growth from a strategic point of view.
Leveraged buyout strategy was used by Face book as they purchased WhatsApp. This helped the firm strengthen its business as well as ensure that there is better growth from a long term perspective. It is essential that there is growth and this requires assets to be gathered along with customer base and other business competencies. This strengthened the business of face book to a great extent in the social media industry.
Managerial incentives to restructure and effects on organizational performance
Managerial incentives to restructure and effects on organizational performance include strengthening of assets, resources and work force (Obradović, Fedajev, & Nikolić, 2012). This does bring in better growth and market competitiveness. At the same time, it also helps create better levels of business growth. It is essential to build these levels of changes and restructuring in the organization, in order to benefit out of the various strategic changes and strengthening of competencies that takes place during these processes. It is important that there be effective balance maintained in the organization while implementing all of these factors in order to achieve maximum synergies. Only then, strategic restructuring can benefit the organizations involved along with helping stakeholders maximize returns (Lawton Smith, Dickson and Smith, , 2005). It is important that managers understand the reasons behind restructuring, and are able to manage the changes effectively. They can achieve several benefits including economies of scale and market leadership, which are beneficial to the organizations. It leads to the creation of awareness among consumers and helps find appropriate target markets. Moreover, it helps organizations including service organizations obtain a loyal customer base. All of these aspects are of long term importance for the business, as it helps the business create better development and market presence, which can help the business grow as well as obtain better customer base.
