


在美国,绩效评价主要以提高个人的生产力和成就为导向。美国的评估方法进一步定位于获得结果并满足个人的义务(Ghauri和Rosendo-Rios, 2016)。还有对薪酬的强调。它被认为是激励员工进步的绩效文件的因素。相比之下,人力资源管理中的绩效考核实践在大多数中国组织中并没有得到重视和重视。相反,这样的组织及其管理关注的是道德属性。这还包括员工的个人特征,如忠诚、正直和服从(Henson, 2016)。中国固有的组织结构进一步使绩效评估具有挑战性,因为它抑制了对员工工作的有效反馈。而且,在中国,大多数组织都认为绩效考核过于强调惩罚和奖励。重点不在于识别员工的实际能力以及他们对公司的长期贡献(Stock et al., 2016)。在中国,绩效考核的价值降低,表现为员工更倾向于被动接受考核。


中美两国在人力资源总体规划上也存在差异。例如,中国的组织利用这种做法来替换离开组织的员工(Kim et al., 2016)。而在美国,这种做法与组织的战略有关。


Another practice of HRM that is essential to evaluate is performance appraisal. This is importantly a tool used for measuring the performance or goal achieved by an individual or team collaboratively. The primary purpose behind this practice is evaluation of the employee’s efficacy and identifying it for fulfilling the obligations (Gunia et al., 2016). The performance appraisal enables any given organization to effectively find the limitations, obstacles and challenging aspects that limit the development and overall productivity of an employee. In United States, performance appraise is majorly oriented to increase the productivity and achievement of an individual. The approach of appraisal in America is further oriented to gain the results and meeting obligations of an individual (Ghauri and Rosendo-Rios, 2016). There is an emphasis on the remuneration as well. It is considered to be the factor of motivation along with progressive performance documentation of the workforce. Comparably, the practice of performance appraisal within HRM is not considered and given much focus within most of the organizations of Chinese origin. Instead such organizations along with their management is focused on the moral attribute. This further includes personal characteristic of the employees such as loyalty, integrity and obedience (Henson, 2016). The inherent Chinese organizational structure further makes it challenging for the performance appraisal as it inhibits efficient feedback provision on the work of an employee. Moreover the notion is held by majority of organizations in China that performance appraisal makes the emphasis overtly on the penalty and rewards. The focus is not on identification of actual ability of an employee along with their contributions towards the firm in long term (Stock et al., 2016). The lessened value for performance appraisal within China is displayed through the preference of employees for the passive assessments reception.


Nations of China and United States also vary on the general planning of human resource as well. For an example, Chinese organizations utilizes this practice for the replacement of the employees that have left the organization (Kim et al., 2016). While in America this practice is associated with the strategy of the organization.
