

企业家精神通常被组织成一种逻辑和线性的方式,促使他们进行头脑风暴,以产生与产品相关的最佳想法,这些产品可以在商业计划的帮助下开发。企业家在创业理念方面,是在创业前寻找最佳资金来源的选择(Shane, 2000)。


创业更多地来自年轻人,因为他们在职业上的流动性增加了。年龄因素是间接创业活动的决定因素,如财富积累、风险规避、社会资本、健康状况和财务能力(Gorman & Sahlman 1989)。然而,年龄较大的企业家拥有创造更高人力资本的能力,因此能够创建更大的公司。

这些家庭的大量财富,无论是以土地或实物形式存在,都可能限制这些家庭的工作人员被正式或非正式地雇用。这些家庭满足于从积累的资产中获得收益(Bingham & Eisenhardt 2011)。然而,这些财富是可行的资本来源,可以随着财富存量的增加而进一步增加收入。

家庭成员的工作经验与其年龄有关。企业家精神的大多数活动都是来自国际或当地就业部门的博学之士(Kezar 2000)。获得的经验可能有助于家庭成员从事创业。

家庭规模对创业机会有积极的影响。在劳动力充足的经济中,由于风险分散和生存,较大的家庭更倾向于小企业。根据劳工组织(国际劳工组织)的说法,人口增长率是静态的,有许多解释可以使创业成为可能(Boeker & Karichalil 2002)。与人口没有增长的国家相比,几个经济体的人口增长使企业家参与劳动的比例更高。

工人们更喜欢在国外工作以获得经济保障。农民工有两种类型:蓝领和白领。发展中国家或新兴经济体的移民工人更喜欢在发达国家工作,因为与他们在本国的收入相比,发达国家的收入更高(Boeker & Karichalil 2002)。因此,由于海外工人赚取的汇款较高,创业的机会也增加了,因为有开办创业企业所需的财政资源。因此,对于ofw依赖型家庭来说,汇款是创业的一个重要因素。


The entrepreneurship is generally organized as a logical and linear way that urges them for brainstorming for producing the best idea related to products that can be developed with the help of a business plan. The entrepreneurs with respect to business idea are in search of the options with respect to the best sources of funds before the start of their business (Shane, 2000).
In the real world, there lie some constraints for the entrepreneur that often rearranges and influences the orderly approach. In the advent of unforeseen circumstances, the entrepreneurs must learn the art to respond to opportunities as with distractions and delays, although at the same time pursues diligently to their original vision regarding the venture.

The entrepreneurship comes more from the young people because of their increased mobility in their occupation. The factor of age is determinant of indirect entrepreneurial activities such as wealth accumulation, risk aversion, social capital, health status, and financial capability (Gorman & Sahlman 1989). However, the entrepreneurs who are older have the facility of creating higher human capital and thus are being able to create larger companies.
The large wealth of the households be it in the form of land or physical, may restrict the working members of those households from being employed, informally or formally. These households are content in receiving the earnings they receive from their built up assets (Bingham & Eisenhardt 2011). However, these wealth are feasible capital sources and is usable to increase the income further along with their wealth stock.
The work experience of the household members has relationship with their age. Most of the activities of the entrepreneurship are erudite from the employment sector, internationally or locally (Kezar 2000). It is possible that the acquired experiences may facilitate the members of the household to take up entrepreneurship.
The chance for entrepreneurship is positively affected by the household size. In an economy that is labor abundant, the larger households have more inclination for small businesses because of the risk diversification and survival. According to ILO (International Labour Organization) there is static rate of population growth having a number of interpretations to enable the entrepreneurship (Boeker & Karichalil 2002). The population growth in several economies has higher percentage of entrepreneurs involved in the workforce compared to the countries with non-growth population.
It is the financial security for which the workers prefer working abroad. There are two categorizations of the migrant workers: blue and white collared jobs. The migrant workers of the developing or the emerging economies prefer to work in the developed countries as it enables them to earn more compared what they can earn in their home country (Boeker & Karichalil 2002). Therefore, because of higher remittances that the overseas workers earn, there is increase in the chances of entrepreneurship as there is provision for financial resource required for starting entrepreneurial ventures. Thus for the OFW-dependent households, the remittances is an important factor for starting a new business.
