

正如政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)所提出的,从1951年到2010年,据估计,人类的影响仍然是全球变暖的主要原因,这一点非常相似。根据IPCC的数据,这种极端的相似性在95% -100%之间,这要归功于发表在文献和无数其他研究中的专家评审和评估。人类活动对全球变暖所造成的多重影响,可通过以下各种媒介加以说明:







2007年,Harris interactive为乔治梅森大学的统计评估服务(STATS)随机选择了489名来自美国气象学会(American Meteorological Society)或美国地球物理联盟(American Geophysical Union)的成员进行了一项调查。得出的调查中,97%的人一致认为过去的100年里经历了全球气温的增加,84%的人认为全球变暖是由于人类活动造成的,74%的人认为,根据可用的科学证据在当前时期证明全球变暖的发生由于人类活动执行。在上述研究中,只有5%的参与者认为人类活动对不断加剧的全球变暖没有影响,但44%的参与者或研究成员表示,温室效应的不断加剧在未来可能是有害的。

As propounded by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), it is with extreme likeness that the influence of the humans remains the chief cause for global warming as estimated from 1951 to 2010. The extreme likeness according to IPCC is 95-100% which owes its derivation from expert reviews and assessments published in the literature and myriad other studies conducted. The multiplicative effects on the global warming caused by the activities performed by the humans are indicated through various mediums which are listed below:
The greenhouse gas emanations have multiplied and their warming characteristics contribute all the more in worsening the condition
The estimations made in the past times in regards to the climate changes depict that there is an evident oddness in the surface temperatures.
The climate models based on the computer readings are not able to reflect to the perceived warming unless the human greenhouse gas emanations are integrated.
The elements such as solar elements and volcanic actions cannot alone explicate the perceived levels of warming.
The recent acknowledgment of the IPCC in the context of global warming that it is caused due to human actions is also supported by 196 other scientific organizations functioning worldwide.
STATS, 2007
In the year 2007, Harris interactive conducted a survey by random selection of 489 members either from American Meteorological Society or American Geophysical Union for the Statistical Assessment Service (STATS) at George Mason University. As concluded by the survey, 97% people were in agreement that the last 100 years have experienced an increase in the global temperatures, 84% people agreed that the global warming was caused due to human activities, 74% people believed that according to the scientific evidence available in the current times validates the occurrence of the global warming due to human activities performed. In the above study only 5% participants believed that human activities have no influence on the increasing global warming but 44% participants or members of the study expressed that the impact of the increasing greenhouse effect can be harmful in the coming times.



芝加哥伊利诺伊大学地球与环境科学系的Peter Doran和Maggie Zimmerman进行了一项基于网络的调查。在10257名接受调查的科学家中,共有3146名地球科学家参与了调查。根据调查得出的结果,90%的受访者同意气温从19世纪初开始上升,80%的人认为气温上升是人类活动的结果。

其他由著名作家和科学家Anderegg, Prall, Harold and Schneider (2010), Farnsworth and Lichter (2011), Lefsrud, Meyer (2012), John Cook(2013)和Powell(2013)等科学家进行的调查,都进行了无数的调查来展示全球变暖的确切原因。

The two scientists named Dennis Bray and Hans von Storch from the Institute of Coastal Research at the Helmholtz Research Centre in Germany performed a survey through online medium by choosing 2,059 climate scientists from 34 differing nations, which was in line the third of the survey of same nature conducted by the said authors. The survey was performed by the chosen respondents selecting their responses enabled through a web link given to each respondent. The response was given by 375 participants which concluded that 18% of the participants believed that the changes in climatic conditions fell majorly under the scale of 1 to 7 which was either ‘not at all’ to ‘very much’ influence of human activities on climatic conditions.
Doran and Kendall Zimmerman, 2009
The authors Peter Doran and Maggie Zimmerman of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, University of Illinois at Chicago conducted a web-based survey. The responses were gathered from 3,146 Earth scientists out of the 10,257 surveyed scientists. Based on the results deduced from the survey 90% of the respondents were in agreement that temperatures have risen from the early 1800s and 80% believed that this rise has been a result of the human induced actions.
Other surveys performed by the scientists such as Anderegg, Prall, Harold and Schneider (2010), Farnsworth and Lichter (2011), Lefsrud, Meyer (2012), John Cook (2013) and Powell (2013) who are eminent authors and scientists have all conducted myriad surveys to showcase the exact reasons for the increasing global warming.
