

The Shang ruler was overthrown by the Chou Tribe.  It was claimed that Shag ruler was incapable of ruling efficiently.  The new Chou King believed in the supernatural and propagated that he had been instructed by the heaven to overpower the Shang.  He brought forward in China a new logic of authority of the cosmos that holds the command of the rulers and decides their fate and future.  The ruler, he insisted, was the mediator between the Cosmos and the civilians.

Though the Chou dynasty did not have much to talk about in context to political development, it certainly has its contribution in the material and cultural development of China.  China was way ahead in these developments as compared to its counterparts and this led to the fostering of a sense of superior being in the Chinese and this became a lasting trait of the Chinese for centuries to come.

It was first that China under the Chou Dynasty started producing Cast Iron products with the use of molds.  Till this time and much after that Casting Iron was not used and developed in Europe or elsewhere.






