



Studies have shown that people who had watched violent television programs when they were young children are more likely to be violent when they turn adults. This is because they do not have a sense of what is right and what is wrong. They accept everything that is triggered at them. Seeing such violent programs, such events sticks in the back of their minds and thus when they turn into adults they turn into a more aggressive person. They do not understand the difference between reality and fiction. Game of Thrones and Mentalist are a perfect example of this type of violence. Thus television does have a very negative effect on a child’s mind and it is very important to make sure that, what the child could see and what he should not see. By monitoring the programs of the child it becomes easier for the parents to develop them into a better individual. Children thus should be surrounded with physical activities and should be taught that violence has a very negative effect on one’s mind and that these things should be avoided.
Personal influence
In today’s time people are so obsessed in watching television and it has such a personal influence on them that they have forgotten to rely on other sources of information. People prefer to sitting in the sofa and watch special cooking shows on television rather than going to the kitchen itself and cook different dishes. Instead of going out to the market and decide which product will be best suited for their personal use they rely on the brands advertised on television. We like to sit and just get influenced by watching programs which are not beneficial to us. Television harms a lot; it has the ability to hinder our ability to think wisely. It kills one’s ability to think what is right and what is wrong and just accept what is being shown on television. Thus people nowadays consider TV to be the source of information which helps them in deciding about the products they want to buy or the political party they want to vote for. It makes us to stop using our senses and puts a stop to our critical thinking and by this way we are very easily misinformed and manipulated by the television (Lazarsfeld, Berelson & Gaudet, 1944).
