



  1. What is the topic of the research article?

When Rene Descartes observed that ‘ I think, therefore I am” (Descombes, 1991),  he didn’t signify himself. What he meant was that thinkers are alike in their ideation and though processes. In this observation Descartes represented a trait which acted as a common link for alike individuals. This is the very basic concept of ‘subjectivity’ which has been dwelved upon in this research article.

  1. How does this article relate to the relevant seminar?

During the course of our seminar we have pondered upon the theories of identity development put forward by various experts. This article also highlights the different theories and exlpians the concept of identity development within those framework.

  1. What methods or approach are employed in this article (interviews, focus groups, theory)?

This article heavy relies on review of theoretical literature for its findings. Such an approach helps in clear understanding on how different factors work in tandem in developing subjectivity. For readers, such an approach proves beneficial for he/she is free to infer depending on their interest for study in understanding why subjectivity is becoming important in the study to understand development of self. Since there can be no singular explanation of subjectivity, the approach of literature review presents before readers both sides of the debate: one from the psychoanalytical perspective and one from the standpoint of Foucault.

  1. What are the findings?

An important finding of this article is that there is unanimity among theorists on subjectivity is constructed. This means individuals are not born with specific thought patterns, behavior traits and preference. These get evolved over time through the individual’s interactions with other selves in everyday space which can be attributed to politics, legal systems, philosophical knowledge and individual feelings. The article concludes that it is the social and cultural construct which is made to influence thoughts play a crucial role in development of subjectivity. It is a finding of the article that study of cultural and political influences can better explain our behavior and the problems we face in our daily lives.

  1. How does the article further knowledge and debate in the area of critical social psychology?

The conclusion of the article that subjectivity is not naturally inherited but develops through communication structures within the world, is an important area for critical psychologists to study further. Tuffin (2005) highlighted that ‘reality’ as we perceive it is often a creation of social interactions. Since such interaction involves the use of language, it can be said that ‘reality’ is a function of language and its interpretation. This in term means that knowledge is developed through social interactions. Hence it is important for critical social psychologist to study further the effect of language and discourse on the development of self identity.
