
本篇留学生代写-公司库存过剩讲了在影响公司的内部因素方面,库存过剩一直是公司的一个问题。库存过剩的原因是为了满足预期的需求,公司投入了大量的设计师商品和服装,但由于国家经济形势、天气等外部因素的变化,销售预测并不总是一致。这导致大量的布被积压,或以折扣价格出售,或在某些情况下,库存被丢弃,并返回使用或转储。本篇留学生代写文章由美国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In terms of internal factors affecting the company, overstocking has always been an issue for the company. Overstocking happens because the company invests in large volume of designer merchandise and clothing in order to meet projected demands, but the sales projections will not always a match because of varying external factors like the economic situation of the country, the weather etc. This leads to large volumes of cloth being overstocked, or sold off on discounted prices, or in some cases, the stock gets discarded and returned for reuse or dump (Vickie, 2015).

Target consumer group are fashion followers, but in affordable price groups, this is the group that is easily influenced by economic changes within the country.

There are different target segments, and the production, operation, maintenance expenses for each of the target segment varies and this hence makes the capital input and maintenance fee for each of the target segment different from others.

The fast fashion clothing trend introduced by H & M in the New Zealand population has many disadvantages. Firstly, there are issues of quality reported in fast fashion clothing and these clothing have to be discarded fast. Secondly, fast fashion clothing true to its name are changed quickly, brought from ramp fashion to everyday wear more easily. Thus, clothing for seasons is upgraded fast, but consumers would not prefer to switch clothing for seasons in such a fast manner. Only some consumers prepare for seasons, while others use clothing from previous years first before they are motivated to buy new ones. This leads to old stock being retained in stores longer, and store space efficiency is challenges.

Since H & M does not control production on its own, it is susceptible to many risks. The production line has uncontrollable risks in terms of quality and pricing. This threatens sustainability. In addition, pollution control initiatives are threatened.

