

风险管理包括对组织内部风险的正确识别以及风险的性质和来源。企业的风险评估过程由风险识别、风险分析、风险评估等几个步骤组成。汽车质量问题严重影响了公司的声誉和品牌形象。因此,必须实施质量控制措施,以减轻组织所面临的问题。因此,可以使用适当的工具和技术以及上述风险管理程序来处理风险检测:品牌风险管理为公司设定了可最小化风险影响的认知和形象(Valsamakis, Vivian & Du Toit, 2010)。在丰田的例子中,不良影响是显而易见的,这可以通过已知的加速器来说明。


商品风险管理使组织能够对品牌管理进行控制,价格对品牌的影响是容易识别的。在这个风险管理过程中,组织的核心原则可以借助损益进行管理(Yurieva, 2014)。

干扰风险管理的来源是多方面的,包括大规模的自然灾害和制造停电。业务突发事件也涉及到中断风险管理,这使得公司面临可怕的情况(Gallati, 2003)。流程的重新安排在一定程度上降低了风险,也表明了对组织发展风险的防范。


The risk management involves the correct identification of the risks within the organizations and the nature and origin of the risk. The risk assessment process of a company is comprised of few steps such as risk identification, risk analysis, and risk evaluation .The quality issue regarding the cars significantly decreases the reputation and brand image of the company. Therefore, the quality control measurements must be implemented for mitigating the issues faced by the organization. Henceforth, the risk detection can be handled with appropriate tools and techniques and with the mentioned risk management procedures:Brand risk management sets the perception and the images to the company for which the impact regarding the risk can be minimized (Valsamakis, Vivian & Du Toit, 2010). The adverse impact is indicated in the case of Toyota, which can be illustrated by the known accelerators.


Commodity risk management enables the organization to have the control over the brand management, and the effect of the price on the brand can be easily identified. The core principles of the organization can be managed with the aid of the profit and the loss as indicated in this risk management process (Yurieva, 2014).
Disruption risk management comes from the various sources which include the large-scale natural disasters with including the manufacturing electrical blackout. The operational contingencies are also involved in the disruption risk management which had made the company to face the terrible situation (Gallati, 2003). The rearrangement of the process mitigates the risks up to some amount and also shows the prevention of the risks regarding the development of the organization.
