
  本篇論文代筆價錢-智力的概念講了《社會學的想象》文章中的信息延伸到《進入未知》。弗林和沃裏克都爲智力的概念增添了有趣的想法。兩者都可以作爲對方論點的替代品。這兩篇文章之間有明確的銜接。他們爲不能用標準測試來衡量智力的說法提供了證據。通過對文章的分析,已經證明沃裏克的文章是弗林論證的延伸。有幾個方面與智力的概念有關。情報的方向和個人如何發展情報已經在這兩篇文章中確定。從這兩篇文章可以看出,智力並不侷限於任何一個因素。這兩篇文章都爲這一點提供了充分的證據。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  From this argument it is clear that the direction of intelligence will be shaped by survival instinct of species. Direction of intelligence stems from the acquiring of knowledge. This claim again leads to how intelligence is acquired and roots of intelligence. On analysis of the historical evolution of species and events in the societies it can be understood that intelligence is physiological or innate and it is acquired. Eye test for 20/20 vision is a mere elucidation of the innate ability of the eyes to see (Flynn 163) nevertheless using of spectacle can be attributed to the acquiring of knowledge. From this the vision is made better. Similar to this ideology intelligence is acquired based on the requirement. This is further evidenced by the argument made by Warwick. From these ideas it is quite clear that direction of intelligence is shaped by survival instinct. Humans have innate ability and also the responsibility to continually develop intelligence.


  Information in the “Sociological Imagination” article extends into of “into the Unknown”. Flynn and Warwick both add interesting ideas to the concept of intelligence. Both serve as substitute to each other arguments. There is a definitive flow between the two articles. They provide evidence to the claim that intelligence cannot be measured by standard tests. From analysis of the article it has been proven that Warwick article serves an extension to Flynn argument. There are several aspects that are connected to the notions of intelligence. Directions of intelligence and how individuals develop intelligence has been established in both these articles. It proves the ancillary claim made that direction of intelligence is formed It is agreed from these two articles that mainly intelligence is not limited to any one factor. Both these articles provide ample evidence for the same.

