
In a Communist country, the football club you supported was a community to which you yourself had chosen to belong. The regime did not send you to support a club, and you could choose your team. It might be your only chance to choose a community and in that community you could express yourself as you wished.

The majority of this book is not focused on this specific statement. Rather, the author spends time examining why soccer culture is the way it is in different countries. He spends time within some chapters addressing dictators and revolutions, notably the section on African soccer, and spends time on it in the Argentina chapter, but for many others, he seemingly ignores politics or at least politics as we think of them in the traditional sense.

Argentina met Peru in a second round group match in the World Cup of 1978, and had to beat them by at least 4-0 to reach the final. This appeared to be out of the question, Peru being a decent side. But Argentina had to win the World Cup, and the Peruvian generals were short of cash and happy to help a fellow junta. Argentina shipped 35,000 tons of free grain to Peru, and probably arms too, while the Argentine central bank unfroze $50 million in credits for Peru. Argentina won 6-0, in what may be the only World Cup matches so far to have been won with a bribe.






阿根廷与秘鲁在下一轮在世界杯小组赛1978,并有至少4 – 0击败他们最后到达。这似乎是出了问题,秘鲁是一个体面的方。而阿根廷赢得世界杯,和秘鲁的将领都缺钱和乐于助人的军政府。阿根廷运35000吨自由粮秘鲁,和可能的武器,而阿根廷中央银行解冻50000000美元的信贷秘鲁。阿根廷以6比0获胜,这可能是唯一的世界杯比赛,到目前为止已赢得了贿赂。
