


通过使用智能技术改进的一些敏捷策略是创建许多灵活的协作点。在供应链中,有许多传统方法没有考虑到的协作点。在高敏捷性库存的背景下,降低价值链中的提前期是必要的。缩短交货时间也将有助于与客户需求同步,并确保及时、可靠地满足客户需求。在这种情况下,信息共享非常重要。因此,使用智能技术,如物联网和相关技术是必要的。例如,ICT的使用将有助于监测大量产品数据的移动。此外,RFID还将用于反馈商品数量的信息,以及商品在供应链两端的移动。在高生产过程的背景下,敏捷性因此得到了提高,因为在供应链制造的所有活动获得了控制范围(Brettel & Friederichsen, 2014)。

此外,中小型企业,如Swift Solutions的考文垂分部,将在一个将信息视为关键的协作开发环境中,进入一种协作的制造风格。中小企业往往缺乏资源;与其他大型制造部门和相关咨询公司不同,这些小型公司不可能获得信息。Qu等人(2015)展示了一些公司可能最终选择物联网或云作为技术改进的替代方案。他们甚至可能缺乏与制造业相关的基础研究和开发。在这种背景下,物联网和智能技术的应用对企业提高精益制造和敏捷性具有很大的好处。例如,在云计算技术的选择上,CM和物联网都是有益的。然而,作为一个生产物流过程,制造商可能仍然没有意识到技术的现状(Qu et al, 2015)。研究人员Qu等(2015)利用一个案例研究来说明集成结构对企业的重要性。


Industry 4.0 is called the fourth industrial revolution. This will be a combination of industrial techniques and Internet of Things IoT, where it could be said that the existing factories would be getting smarter in the future. Industry 4.0 was estimated to have started in Germany. Countries such as China, Japan, South Korea and the United States also are also pioneers in taking up this effort. The motivation of Industry 4.0 is to make the global factory and manufacturing system smarter. Smart Technology will add to the agility strategy, as it will help in the improvement of manufacturing operations.
Some of the agility strategies that are improved by the use of Smart technology are that of the creation of many flexible points of collaboration. In the supply chain, there are many points of collaboration that were not considered in the traditional methods. In the context of high agility inventory, it is necessary for the lead time in the value chain to be reduced. Reduced lead time also will be helpful to synchronize with customer requirements, and ensure that they are satisfied in a just in time and reliable way. Information sharing is very important in this context. So the use of Smart technologies such as the IoT and related technologies is a necessity. For instance, ICT use will be helpful for monitoring the movement of large amounts of product data. In addition, the RFID will be used to feedback information on the numbers of goods, and also the movement of goods from end to end of the supply chain. In the context of high production processes, agility is hence increased because of the span of control obtained over all activities in the supply chain manufacturing (Brettel & Friederichsen, 2014).
Furthermore, small and medium scale companies such as the Coventry division of Swift Solutions would come into a collaborative style of manufacturing in a collaborative development environment where information is treated as key. Small and medium scale enterprises are often lacking when it comes to resources; unlike other big manufacturing divisions and related consultancies, it would be impossible for these small scale companies to access information. Qu et al (2015) show how some companies might end up choosing either IoT or Cloud as an alternative when they want to improve on technologies. They might even lack in basic research and development as connected with the manufacturing sector. In this context, the use of IoT and Smart technologies holds much benefit in the improvement of lean manufacturing and agility for the companies. For instance, in the choice of cloud computing technologies, CM and Internet of Things IoT are both beneficial. However, as a production logistics process, manufacturers might still not be aware of the current state of technology (Qu et al, 2015). Researchers Qu et al (2015) make use of a case study to show how an integrated structure is important for businesses.
