论文 代写:妇女运动

by | 10-Jun-2020 | 美国代写

今天为大家分享一篇优秀的论文范文-论文 代写:妇女运动。本文讲述的是有些国家有两性平等政策和性别机制。这些部门包括专门负责执行关于两性平等的国际和国家承诺的各部。妇女运动在许多国家都发挥了重要作用。这些运动有能力对当局施加压力,使其深刻地按照性别平等的承诺工作(Zwingel, 2016)。如果需要更多更全的论文 代写范文资料,请联系我们的客服。

应当强调指出,为确保成功执行这些承诺而收集足够的资源仍然是一个需要解决的问题。实际上,在为两性平等议程提供资金和在选举期间对女性候选人的财政帮助不足方面采取了适当步骤的国家寥寥无几。这些问题被认为是阻碍妇女担任决策职位的主要障碍。可以这样说,资金不应只用于政府机构的能力建设,论文 代写还应提供给致力于民主的政党和妇女的各种组织。消除对妇女的限制和向半数人口提供类似和平等的机会肯定会取得重大进展。

强迫劳动——强迫劳动可以被描述为一种强迫的劳动形式,论文 代写它的性质是强制性的。这种工作主要是在违背受害人意愿和同意的情况下进行的。强迫劳动是作为一种非法行为而被视为商品的受害者。受害者可以根据奴役者的便利而被剥削(Bales, 2004)。

抵押劳动或债务劳动-这种形式的奴役可以描述为一种人被强迫劳动,以偿还他/她可能欠下的债务。它不同于其他形式的奴隶制,因为奴隶和奴隶最初都关注于一个相互同意的声明,后来经历了严重的变化。根据协议或合同,人(奴隶)加入工作可以是非法的,或只能作为一种利益或对雇主的好处,而不是劳动者。论文 代写这些劳动者可能开始工作,并被迫继续履行合同,以偿还最初的债务。受害者的合同是极具剥削性的,因为条款和条件规定,他们不可能在完成整个期间之前离职。

性奴役——性奴役可以被描述为一种形式的奴役,其中男人、女人甚至儿童在性产业中受到剥削。例如:这种剥削可能包括在色情电影或色情电影中充当妓女或性工作者,以及在色情娱乐俱乐部或脱衣舞俱乐部工作。剥削范围从网上工作的陪游服务,在妓院工作,在不雅按摩院工作的妇女或任何形式的有价值的交换性行为的回报(Archer, 2013)。在这种形式下,金钱可以交换,也可以不交换,但是还有其他东西可以用来交换性活动,比如食物、住所、衣服和毒品。如果受害人的初步同意是通过武力或操纵达成的,论文 代写则被认为是无关紧要的。

With respect to the above statements it can be concluded that there are some countries that have policies of gender equality and gender machineries. These include the ministries of department which is dedicated to the implementation of international and national commitments for the equality of gender. The movements of women have played a major role in various countries. The movements had the capacity to exert pressure on the authority to work according to the commitments of gender equality profoundly (Zwingel, 2016). It should be highlighted that the gathering of enough resources in assuring the successful implementation of these commitments is still an issue which needs to be solved. There are actually very few countries who have taken suitable steps in the funding of the agenda of gender equality and the inadequacy of financial help for the female candidates during the elections. These issues are considered to be the main barriers which prevented the women from reaching the positions of decision making. It can be stated that the funding should not be aimed only for the institutions of government in capacity building but it should be also provided to the political parties and the various organizations of women that work on democracy. The elimination of restrictions on women and the provision of similar and equal opportunities to the half population would definitely result in drastic progress.

Forced Labour- forced labour can be described as a form of work which is made to do forcibly论文 代写 and is coercive in nature. This kind of work is mainly done against the will and the consent of the victim. The forced labours are the victims that are treated as a commercial commodity which is an illegal practiced. The victims can be exploited as per the convenience of the enslavers (Bales, 2004).
