

Ted Baker是Ray Kelvin创立的国际时尚零售商,通过多年的旅行和学习不同的文化,积累了丰富的时尚经验。第一家泰德贝克店于1988年开业,并开始在英国其他地区扩张。该品牌本身更具商业时尚感,对于所提供的设计和所建立的品牌资产,在男性和女性中具有独特的吸引力。自那以来,该品牌已在多个国家成功扩张,但在设计上保持了其成熟水平,并赋予其与众不同之处。该公司的理念和战略是在不丧失其为男性和女性制作特别服装和配饰的天赋的情况下占领市场份额。该品牌通常选择高级时装设计与选择性的颜色,并使用细节和独特的模式,以提供最好的服装给他们的客户。他们关注的是有时尚意识的全球旅行者。他们非常热衷于并专注于保持全球时尚零售商的品牌形象,为重要客户提供时尚选择,并设计了一个问题:“Ted会这样做吗?”每个员工在批准这些设计之前都会问自己这个问题。它在打造全球品牌的道路上取得了成功,并将继续注重细节。该公司主要由雷•开尔文(Ray Kelvin)和其他时尚设计师投资者持有,他们继续用自己的想法和理念指导公司。

Karen Millen和Lacoste也是相似的品牌,有着很好的品牌号召力,他们的店铺设计的很好,白色的背景,不同的区域。与其他相邻品牌相比,泰德•贝克(Ted Baker)在店面设计上有所不同,有更多的展示。商店的设计看起来有点混乱,很难辨认出各个部分,让顾客感到困难。章节的定位很好地说明了商品的处理方式以及对它们的尊重(波斯纳,2011)。贝纳通的United Colours的店面布局要简单得多,更有吸引力,更能从相邻的品牌中脱颖而出。泰德·贝克似乎更注重展示,而不是让商店对目标市场的年轻时尚顾客更具吸引力。商店设计的美感是它能够吸引的客流量和质量的最重要指标(Wolfe and Wolfe, 2009)。这对于获得新客户是非常重要的贡献。



Ted Baker is an international fashion retailer started by Ray Kelvin after gaining experience about fashion through years of travelling and learning different cultures. The first Ted Baker store was launched in 1988 and started to expand in other areas of UK. The brand itself is more commercial fashion and has a distinctive appeal among men and women for the designs offered and the brand equity built. The brand since then has been successfully expanding in several countries but has maintained their level of sophistication in designs and giving that something extraordinary out of the ordinary. The concept and strategy of the company is to capture the market share without losing its flair of making exceptional clothes for men and women along with accessories for both. The brand generally opts for a high fashion design with selective colours, and detailing using and a distinctive use of patterns to offer the best apparels to their customers. They are focused on the segment of customers who are style conscious and are global travellers. They are very much keen and focused on maintaining the brand identity of being a global fashion retailer which offers stylish options to important clients and have designed a question, ‘Would Ted do it that way?’ which every employee asks themselves before approving of the designs. It has been successful in its approach of building a global brand and continues to do so with proper attention to details. It is owned majorly by Ray Kelvin and other investors who are fashion designers and continues to guide the company with his ideas and concepts.
Karen Millen and Lacoste are also similar brands which are having good brand appeal and their stores are well designed with white background with different sections. Ted Baker was something different in its store design with more displays compared with the other adjacent brands. The store design looked a little bit messy with some difficulty in identifying the sections and making it difficult for customers. The positioning of the sections speaks a lot about the way the merchandise are handled and the respect given to them (Posner, 2011). The store layout of United Colours of Benetton was much more simple, attractive, and inviting out of the adjacent brands. Ted baker seemed to be focused more on displaying instead of making the store more attractive to their target market of young fashionable customers. The aesthetic of the store designs are the most important indicator of the amount and quality of footfalls that it can attract (Wolfe and Wolfe, 2009). This counts for the acquisition of new customers and is a very significant contribution.
The profile of customers was a mix of sophisticated and middle class due to its large appeal in the varied price points at which the brand offers its products. The profile was good in sense and looked impressed with the designs and patterns of the products.
