
本篇論文代寫行情-談判管理講了談判管理的第一步是發展變化阻力。談判碰巧會帶來變化,反之亦然。由於它們是相互關聯的,任何簽訂新合同的公司都必須評估工作環境中的變化阻力。這提供了一個關於決策的價值和是否必須繼續的想法。本篇論文代寫行情文章由美國第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The first step to negotiation management is developing change resistance. Negotiations happen to cause changes and vice versa. As they are interrelated, any company that enters into a new contract has to estimate the change resistance in that workplace environment. This gives an idea on the worthiness of decision and if it has to be continued.

The second step to negotiation management is compromises. The firm has to enter into an agreement with the union workers in such a way that the former compromises on the wages to fulfill the latter. This can create workplace equality and eliminate any instances of discrimination. These compromises also increase satisfaction among employees. As a result, productivity will increase.

The third step that I suggest to negotiation management is collaboration. As soon as the workers are collaborated with the three auto makers and Unifor, they can realize the change and performance in them that will motivate them. The aspect of collaboration is required at all the environments. This is a step to compete with the global market and also avoid conflicts of interest at any point of time among employees.

The final step to negotiation management is application of participative style of leadership. Most of the companies fail because of their authoritarian approaches. These approaches also create enmity and distances between employers and employees. When participative style occurs within the workplace environment, it is feasible to achieve an integrated and supportive state with adequate motivation and assertiveness.


It is a great move taken by Ford to sign 4 year contract with its employees as a result of successful negotiations with other esteemed companies. It shows the bright future associated with the firm. Since large scale companies have unions and decision making processes should necessarily consult with the union managers, this is the area of weakness identified. The dissatisfaction of union workers and extremely discriminatory wages are two major threats that can actually shake the firm to a greater extent. My suggestion is to rework on the employee relationship strategy with the help of employee engagement programs and performance appraisal techniques. These will actually give the employees the courage and understanding to work with satisfaction. The differences in wages should also be reworked. This will together yield a fruitful relationship even after the contract period. Labor economics is a delicate subject and requires detailed and careful approach to be followed by the firms as the impacts are difficult to estimate and can influence productivity of firm.

