论文代写价格-The movie Seven and its themes

论文代写价格-The movie Seven and its themes。《七人组》于1997年发行。这部电影是根据安德鲁·沃克的剧本改编的。这部电影是以两位主角的犯罪调查为基础的。凯文·史派西扮演的连环杀手根据圣经中所解释的七宗罪杀人。杀手的行为无可救药。电影中的人物也有一种恐惧和黑暗的感觉。在这个剧本中,没有人是真正无辜的。这让角色变得有趣。在这部电影中可以看到很多深度和复杂的元素。最后,气候场景是如此复杂,对观众是有影响的。从一个角度来看,连环杀手为七宗罪杀人的意图似乎已经得逞。从另一个角度来看,可以理解为邪恶已经被消灭了。最终的影响留在了观众的脑海中。他们可以从这部电影中形成自己的观点。这部电影把导演独特的品味看得清清楚楚。

在这个故事中,米尔斯和萨默塞特试图抓住连环杀手Doe。米尔斯是一个新手警察和萨默塞特是一个老警察与许多情感问题。角色Doe试图杀死七种恶习的人(Browing 85)。他的每一次杀戮都有一个中心主题。Doe对社会的自满和社会对这些邪恶价值观的接受感到厌恶。每一次杀戮都是为了那个人的某种恶行。Doe认为这是人们所生活的社会的一种象征。社会成员把每一种恶习都吸收进社会,使之成为可以接受的(勃朗宁87)。Doe认为社会沉溺于这些恶习中,而忽视了它对社会的影响。正因为如此,多伊觉得他采取了一种高尚的追求,通过杀人来消灭社会上的罪恶。他认为自己是一个强烈的积极动机,并试图为自己的行为创造庇护。Doe是一个聪明的人,他最终计划自己的杀戮。Doe的表征有许多有趣的因素。米尔斯和萨默塞特对能源部的行为感到困惑。他们无法评估Doe或预测他的行为。另一方面,多伊拥有更多的知识,最终以自己独特的方式智胜了警察。然而,警察杀死了Doe,他们觉得在这种情况下他们赢了。但是Doe试图重申,任何人都可以被说服去杀人,如果他们有动机的话。在这种情况下,米尔斯实际上按照能源部的要求行事。但米尔斯在极度激动的瞬间杀死了多伊。这个故事主线有一个黑暗的主题。在这个故事中,米尔斯试图向高级警官学习。没有父亲的形象,在他的性格中有一定程度的孤立。故事的主角是米尔斯和萨默塞特。在这个故事中,最后的气候场景可以用多种形式来解释。没有人能解释在这种情况下,主角是否真的赢了。

论文代写价格-The movie Seven and its themes。Seven was released in the year 1997. This movie is based on the screenplay written by Andrew Walker. This movie is based on the criminal investigation conducted by the two main protagonists. Kevin Spacey plays the role of serial killer who kills people based on the seven sins explained in the Bible. Killer’s actions are incorrigible. There is also a sense of fear and darkness of the characters that is shown in the movie. No one is really innocent in this screenplay. This makes the characters interesting. There is a lot of depth and intricate elements that can be seen in this movie. Finally the climatic scene is so convoluted that is impactful for the viewer. From one viewpoint it seems as though the serial killers intention of killing people for their seven sins seems to have won. From another viewpoint it can be understood that evil has been killed. Final impact has been left in the minds of the viewers. They can form their own opinions from this cinema. This movie has the distinctive tastes of the Director clearly seen.
In this story, Mills and Somerset try to catch Serial killer Doe. Mills is a rookie cop and Somerset is the aging cop with a lot of emotional issues. The character Doe tries to kill people for their seven vices (Browing 85). Each of his killings has a central theme. Doe is disgusted by the complacency of the society and acceptance of these evil values by the society. Each killing has been for a particular vice of the person. Doe feels that it is a symbolic representation of the society that people live. The societal members have imbibed each vice into society that it has become acceptable (Browing 87). Doe feels that society is indulging in these vices and ignoring how it affects the society. Owing to this, Doe feels that he has taken a noble pursuit of killing the vices in Society by actually killing the person. He thinks that he as a strong positive motive and tries to create patronage for his actions. Doe is a smart man who eventually plans his own killing. There are a lot of intriguing elements to the characterization of Doe. Mills and Somerset are perplexed about how Doe is acting. They are not able to assess Doe or predict his actions. Doe on the other hand had more knowledge and eventually outwits the cops in his own unique way. Cops however kill Doe and they feel that they have won in this situation. But Doe tries to reiterate that anyone can be persuaded to kill if they have motive. In this case Mills actually acts as to what Doe wants. But Mills kills Doe in a moment of extreme emotion. There is a dark prevailing theme in this story line. In this story Mills tries to learn from the senior cop. There is absent father figure and a certain level of isolation in his character. Main protagonists in this story line are Mills and Somerset. In this story, the final climatic scene can be interpreted in many forms. No one can explain if the main protagonist has truly won in this scenario.

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