

瓦格納對馬勒的作品有影響。盡管瓦格納專註於歌劇,但他的影響可以在許多交響曲中看到。馬勒作品的一些元素被發現受到瓦格納的影響。然而,值得註意的是,他們都練習和創造了一種不同的音樂。馬勒被認為是音樂創作中一個重要的過渡性人物。他以深情演繹而聞名。馬勒認為他的交響樂創作是基於個人經驗。《自我的自傳》有很多重要的內容。在古斯塔夫的作品中,人們看到了一種深情的憂郁。他的音樂作品中有許多典故和主題。在交響樂的演奏中,藝術家們可以感受到主題的變化和差異。例如,馬勒的第一交響曲主要由7個八度展開的a組成。它常常包含著一種可以通過歌劇的聲音清晰地聽到的亮度。這是一首非常受歡迎的交響樂,並且發展了音樂的概念。聽到如此多的音樂內涵和演繹,對觀眾來說,本質上是一種震撼。第二交響曲被認為是第一交響曲的復興。而在第3交響曲中,馬勒引用了“夏日的解脫”這首歌,這個故事是關於一個開始歌唱的夜鶯女士的。在音樂的聲音中有不同的細微差別來模仿現在和未來的不同。使用了折衷的混合儀器(Zychowicz 678)。在古斯塔夫創作的10部交響曲中,這一點也有所不同。馬勒交響樂作品的個體偏好起著重要作用。他的每一首交響曲都闡明了各種各樣的情感和情感(克拉維特498)。在馬勒的作品中,《第五交響曲》在評論界獲得了極大的反響。他也是創造無調性的狂熱支持者(Mitchell 237)。這首交響曲涉及面很廣,基本上展現了馬勒對死亡和來世的癡迷。馬勒在他那個時代很受歡迎。他去世後,在歷史上有一段短暫的時間,他的聲望開始下降。但在當今時代,他的音樂最終得到了復興。



Wagner had influence on the works of Mahler. Even though Wagner and focused on opera, his influence can be seen in many of the symphonies. Some elements of the Mahler composition are found to have influence from Wagner. Nevertheless it should be noted that they both practiced and created a different kind of music. Mahler is considered to be an important transitional figure in the creation of music. He was known for his soulful renditions. Gustav Mahler considered his symphonic writing to be based on personal experience. There was a lot of importance given to the autobiography of the self. In the works by Gustav there has been a soulful melancholy that has been observed. There are a lot of allusions and themes that are presented in his musical renditions. There are variations in the themes and differences can be felt during the symphony performance by the artists. For example in the first symphony by Mahler primarily consisted of the seven-octave-spread A. They were played quietly by using the string instruments. It often contained a luminosity that can be heard clearly through the sounds of the opera. This was a very popular symphony and had evolved the concepts of music. It was essentially a shock to the audience to hear so many musical connotations and renditions. Symphony 2 is considered to be a resurrection to the first symphony. Whereas in symphony 3 Mahler draws on the song “relief in summer” This story is about a lady nightingale that starts singing. There are different nuances in the musical sounds to emulate the difference of being present and in the future. An eclectic mix of instrumentation is used (Zychowicz 678). This is also seen to vary across the 10 symphonies created by Gustav. The individual preference for each of the works of Mahler symphonies plays a major role. Each of his symphonies is found to elucidate a wide variety of emotions and sentiments (Kravitt 498). Of the works by Mahler, the symphony 5 has gained great acclimation among the critics. He was also an avid proponent of creating atonality (Mitchell 237). This symphony is wide ranging and is found to essentially showcase the obsession that Mahler feels towards death and the afterlife. Mahler was very popular during his time. After his passing there was a brief time in history where his popularity started to wane. But there has been eventual revival of his music in the current times.
Many of the works by Mahler and Wagner in the Romanticism period was found to have tremendous influences in the modernity process. Their musical compositions of Mahler have been considered to cause a considerable impact on the modernized musical movement. They are both considered to the epitome and the central figures in the musical world during the times of the romanticism period (Kravitt 498). It has found to have a profound influence in the creation of symphonies in the modern times. Wagner and Mahler were both instrumental in contributing to classical world.
To conclude, Wagner made popular and soulful music in the opera. Mahler created soulful symphony music. Both these people are considered to be musical genius who had created new expression with the musical composition. They challenged the conformities of music and created a number of newer renditions. It has been found to be popular in the current times. Even in the current times, there is a strong influence of both Mahler and Wagner. Many eminent classical musicians are found to embody elements of the musical compositions created by Wagner and Mahler. Atonal musical compositions were a common feature that was popularized by Mahler and Wagner. Hence both these creators have a profound influence in the societies and needs to be celebrated.

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