
本篇论文代写价格-音乐对人的思想和灵魂的影响研究表明,音乐对一个人的思想和灵魂有强大的影响。它给我的大脑提供了能量,使我拥有了创造性思维,能够发现新事物。我喜欢音乐,我在收音机里听音乐,在电视上看音乐,在手机上听音乐,也看音乐会(Gadberry and Harrison 2016, 25)。我每天的例行公事是早起,一边锻炼一边听音乐。在那之后,我上大学,在旅途中听音乐,然后当我晚上回来时,我在电视上看音乐。音乐与我的生活息息相关,因为它提供能量和动力。我也唱歌让我的头脑清醒,这也帮助我克服了我生活中的许多困难。最重要的是,它减少了我的压力水平。音乐对一个人的生活有积极的影响,它的重要性应该被理解。

Music always has the major part of my life. I like to see the music video on television and also like to dance while watching the video. Music touches my soul and also helps to makes me feel comfortable. After listening to music, I feel fresh and it help me to think creative things. I have music a part of life that provides me energy and increases my sense of humour. It has changed my life and provides me relief in pain. Music also helps to decrease the stress level in my daily routine life. It gives me confidence and enriches the mind. I like to view and listen to music because it helps me to calm down and enjoy the moment. When I listen and watch music videos, I feel that I have entered into the scenario and music has provided me energy. Music surrounds me at the different situations of my life when I hear the radio, watch television or see a concert.
When I was young I listen to anything that my parents play in the tape recorders. As my parent love every kind of music such as folk, jazz, rock, pop, I also love every kind of music. However, while I was growing, the longing for the folk music was increasing. Moreover, I started to collect folk music from every genre even from different countries. At that time suddenly I found an Indian folk music they call Baul music. The songs were in Bengali. I did not understand the lines, but the music touches my soul and heart. I tried to find out the meaning of the lines. When I could understand the line I was more elated about what a meaningful line those are! What the philosophy of life and yet what a simple word! I still listen to that music and mesmerized by the line of songs. I have also a lot of collection of music that I listen in my free times.
Besides this, I have a collection of Arabian folk song, African folk song as well as folk songs from other countries. The entire folk songs give me an unusual feeling that helps me in living my life. Hence, the music is becoming an integral part of my life. The music of Bob Marley is really inspiring for me, which is also folk based music. Apart from this, I love the music from Beatles, Paul Machetony, and John Lennon who is my favourite musician. In addition, I love music of Michael Jackson who was one of my favourite, but I just love his music.
In my music school, I am learning the Jazz music. I basically play saxophone, which truly gives me a better experience. The Jazz music gives the freedom of expression that can be observed in my music. My music teachers are really helpful. They teach us very carefully about different sides of music, various characteristics of music. There is a different form of music has been taught in this music school. And I have similar interest on every form of music. I am learning Jazz in this music school and I am getting experience in this music school (Masataka 2014, 563). My music is really enriching in this school. My main aim is to know the different forms of music and work in fusion music. Recently, I have brought a music CD of a collection of folk songs from Rajasthan India, which is totally outstanding. I am completely overwhelmed by this music. These are very melodious and enchanting tune that cause happiness and joy for me. However, I love to listen to all types of music which touches my soul and mind.
Music is a part of my life that motivates me in my day to day routine life. When I listen to music I gain positive energy and my stress level also decreases. Music is attached to my life because whenever I feel sad or depressed, I listen to music. It is such an experience that is beyond the words. It cannot be explained. It can only felt or experienced. The sound of the notes of the music takes us to the arena of the unknown where there is just emotional ecstasy. It also transports us to the world of melody as well as sympathy. Music has changed my life and I also would like to suggest others to be in attach with music. Music gives you positive energy and also helps to overcome difficult situations.

