


根據變化檢測模型,要求被試在圖像中顯示的不同對象之間切換註意力。這篇文章還提供了關於集中註意力的證據,即對任何對象的完全集中和註意力有助於檢測由“利益中心”效應支持的變化(O’regan, Rensink, & Clark, 1996;Rensink等,1997;Tarr & Aginsky, 1996年7月)。此外,根據Aginsky, Tarr, & Rensink(1997)的觀點,當清晰的線索指向變更的類型或位置時,變更檢測可以成功。因此,可以說本研究具有許多理論動因。



The article introduction provides the literature review that motivates this study. Some of the recent studies have also discussed the important role that attention plays in changes detection (Rensink et al., 1997). The study states the first example of the “flicker paradigm”, under this experiment the original and altered version of the images was shown to the subjects with speed of 240 msec. each. During this there was a pause given of 80 msec. Such images created the flickering appearance in the eyes of the subjects. Subjects were asked to identify the change as soon as they see it. But, it was noticed that barely any subject could identify any change in the images. They could not detect changes in first cycle of flicker and then it requires cycles to detect change.
According to the change detection model, the subjects are required to switch their attention among the different objects shown in the image. The article also provides evidence about the focused attention that complete focus and attention towards any object is helpful in detecting the change as supported by ‘centre of interests’ effects (O’Regan, Rensink, & Clark, 1996; Rensink et al., 1997; Tarr & Aginsky, 1996, July). Further the research is referenced with the idea that change detection can be successful when clear cues point towards the type of a change or towards the location as according to Aginsky, Tarr, & Rensink, (1997). Thus, it can be said the research has many theoretical motivations.
The experiments and study are also theoretically motivated by classic findings of failures of eyewitness identification as suggested by the study of Loftus, (1979) and distortions in memory suggested by Bartlett, (1932/1977). The research is also focused on the demonstrations of change blindness for objects, this study have been supported by the research of Pashler, (1988). Many different theories and perspectives given by different researches have been enthusiastically used in the study, which has facilitated the understanding of different factors in change detection.
