






general homogenizing category of Asian women who are seen to follow traditions more rigidly leads them to accept the stereotypes of being passive, traditional and home bound. However, it is not just culture and religious background, but it is because of elements like low education attainment and issues in communication. An average amount of people interviewed seemed to indicate that the lower levels of education were an important reason for why they were not able to take part in alternate work situations. However, education itself is not a point here, as the interviewer was able to find out that some of the women had even completed secondary education when their male counterparts had not even completed primary education. Therefore, more than that point, the language and communication part was seen to be the reason behind women just selecting home working positions.


Women were noticed to have a very poor command over the official language spoken in the UK which is English. Their lacking in language proficiency led to women having problems mingling with the society. However, as Kabeer states that language proficiency issues are solved by speaking. The men who came to the United Kingdom had many language proficiency issues as well but over time, the men were able to resolve these issues unlike the women.

In hindsight, what deterred women from gaining good language proficiency was their social and cultural background. Being taught to look at them lesser in ways puts them in situations where they could barely learn. This becomes a loop of mismanagement in gendering habits.
