

三星Galaxy S系列或三星Note系列以及苹果I-phone一直是买家的首选。这些组需要一种高级的设备,而不需要在用户体验方面做出任何妥协。在市场营销领域,如欧洲和美国。在中国,购买智能手机通常需要签订合同,而销售Galaxy或i -phone手机对三星或苹果来说并不是一个重大挑战。与印度等以增长为基础的市场相比,苹果占据了2.5%的市场份额,而三星占据了25%的市场份额(Li et al, 2013)。这给谷歌留下了许多问题要处理,关键是在印度或其他成长型市场的艰难和充满活力的市场上占有一小部分份额。


Samsung Galaxy S series or the Note Series of Samsung along with I-phone of Apple have been the buyer’s go-to segment. These groups require a device of premium nature without any compromises over the front of user experience. Within the marketing areas such as Europe and also U.S where generally contracts are required for purchasing a smart phone, selling devices of Galaxy or I-phones has not been a major challenge for Samsung or Apple. This can be said in comparison to selling the same in a growth based market such as that of India. 2.5 percent of overall market share is occupied by Apple in comparison to the higher share of 25 percent that Samsung occupies (Li et al, 2013). This has left behind Google to contend with a lot of issues and the key is occupying a small share in the tough and dynamic market of India or other growth markets.


毫无疑问,印度是一个不断增长的市场,但目前增长的关键领域在于资本发行。这里发现的主要目标市场是中档市场。这些地区是印度智能手机消费最多的地区(Slater et al., 2014)。此外,每季度过后,排名都会有更新的玩家加入。基于此,可以说该组织已经为智能手机提供了一个很好的性价比。Pixel在这个领域表现不佳。它为自己的产品和其他竞争对手提供了非常高的价格,而苹果由于在市场上提供了昂贵的产品而未能在市场上获得更高的份额(Nambisan, 2013)。作为唯一的竞争者,三星在各个领域都实现了自我平衡,这一点在该公司的市场份额中得到了体现。


There is no doubt that India is a growing market but the key areas of growth currently lie within the capital offering. The key target segments found here are mid-range market segments. These are regions where most of the shopping of smartphones within India take place (Slater et al., 2014). Also, this throws up newer players in the rankings after every quarter. Based on this it can be said that the organization has offered a good value for smart phone in terms of money. Pixel has not played well within this field. It has offered a very high price for its product and other competitors as well such as Apple have not managed to grasp a higher share in the market due to the offering of expensive products in the market (Nambisan, 2013). The only player, Samsung has balanced itself throughout every segment and this has been reflected through the company’s share in the market.
